Please note:
All reference to 'Parts' and 'sections' are from the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. For other versions of these Explanatory Notes, see More Resources.
Functions of Elected Local Policing Authorities
Section 5: Police and crime commissioners to issue police and crime plans
Section 6: Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime to issue police and crime plans
Section 14: Arrangements for obtaining the views of the community on policing
Section 16: Appointment of persons not employed by elected local policing body
Section 18: Delegation of functions by police and crime commissioners
Section 19: Delegation of functions by Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
Section 20: Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime: confirmation hearings
Section 22: Minimum budget for police and crime commissioner
Section 23: Minimum budget for Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
Police Forces in Areas with Elected Local Policing Bodies
Section 37: Appointment of persons not employed by chief officers of police
Section 38: Appointment, suspension and removal of chief constables
Schedule 8: Appointment, suspension and removal of senior police officers
Section 41: Power of deputy to exercise functions of chief constable
Section 42: Appointment of Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
Section 44: Functions of Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
Section 45: Assistant Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis
Section 46: Deputy Assistant Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis
Section 48: Suspension and removal of Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner
Section 49: Suspension and removal of other senior metropolitan police officers
Police and Crime Commissioners: Elections and Vacancies
Section 51: Election to fill vacancy in office of commissioner
Section 53: Public awareness about elections: role of Electoral Commission
Section 57: Voting at elections of police and crime commissioners
Section 63: Vacancy where acting commissioner acts for 6 months
Section 64: Disqualification from election as police and crime commissioner
Section 67: Disqualification of person holding office as police and crime commissioner
Section 70: Declaration of acceptance of office of police and crime commissioner
Section 71: Judicial proceedings as to disqualification or vacancy
Section 72: Amendment of police areas: term of office of commissioner
Other Provisions Relating to Policing and Crime and Disorder
Section 81: Abolition of certain powers of Secretary of State
Section 82: Suspension and removal of senior police officers
Section 90: Police powers for civilian employees under collaboration agreements
Schedule 13: Police powers for civilian employees under collaboration agreements
Section 92: Provision of information by chief officers of police
Amendments of the Licensing Act 2003
Section 103: Licensing authorities as responsible authorities
Section 104: Primary Care Trusts and Local Health Boards as responsible authorities
Section 105: Premises licences: who may make relevant representations
Section 107: Club premises certificates: who may make relevant representations
Section 108: Club premises certificates: who may apply for a review
Section 110: Reducing the burden: club premises certificates
Section 112: Temporary event notices: who may make an objection
Section 115: Relaxation of time limits applying to temporary event notices
Section 116: Temporary event notices: acknowledgement of notice
Section 117: Temporary event notice: time for objection by police
Section 120: Suspension of licence or certificate for failing to pay annual fee
Section 124: Review of effect of amendments on licensing scheme
Part 3 – Parliament Square Garden and Surrounding Area
Section 141: Demonstrations in vicinity of Parliament: repeal of SOCPA 2005 provisions
Section 143: Prohibited activities in controlled area of Parliament Square
Section 144: Directions under section 143: further provision
Section 147: Authorisation for operation of amplified noise equipment
Section 148: Meaning of “authorised officer” and “responsible authority”
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