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Your title search for fishing vessels regulations in the English language of Regulations originating from the EU from 2008 has returned 79 results.

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Council Regulation (EC) No 1359/2008 of 28 November 2008 fixing for 2009 and 2010 the fishing opportunities for Community fishing vessels for certain deep-sea fish stocks2008 No. 1359Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1270/2008 of 15 December 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for spurdog/dogfish in EC and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1270Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1269/2008 of 15 December 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for saithe in VI; EC waters of Vb; EC and international waters of XII and XIV by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1269Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1238/2008 of 10 December 2008 prohibiting fishing for forkbeards in Community waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI and VII by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1238Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1227/2008 of 9 December 2008 prohibiting fishing for black scabbardfish in Community waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of V, VI, VII and XII by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1227Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1203/2008 of 2 December 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for cod in IV; EC waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat by vessels flying the flag of France2008 No. 1203Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1202/2008 of 2 December 2008 prohibiting fishing for forkbeards in Community waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of VIII and IX by vessels flying the flag of Portugal2008 No. 1202Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1198/2008 of 1 December 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for Greenland halibut in NAFO 3LMNO by vessels flying the flag of Estonia2008 No. 1198Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1197/2008 of 1 December 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for hake in EC waters of IIa and IV by vessels flying the flag of the Netherlands2008 No. 1197Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1185/2008 of 28 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for turbot in the Black Sea by vessels flying the flag of Bulgaria2008 No. 1185Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1184/2008 of 28 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for herring in EC and international waters of Vb and VIb and VIaN by vessels flying the flag of France2008 No. 1184Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1157/2008 of 20 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for Greenland halibut in NAFO 3LMNO by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1157Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1146/2008 of 18 November 2008 prohibiting fishing for alfonsinos in Community waters and waters not under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries of III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV by vessels flying the flag of Portugal2008 No. 1146Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1132/2008 of 13 November 2008 reopening the fishery for industrial fish in Norwegian waters of IV by vessels flying the flag of Sweden2008 No. 1132Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1122/2008 of 12 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for saithe in IIIa and IV; EC waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and IIId by vessels flying the flag of Poland2008 No. 1122Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1114/2008 of 10 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for common sole in IIIa, EC waters of IIIb, IIIc and IIId by vessels flying the flag of Sweden2008 No. 1114Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1113/2008 of 10 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for common sole in VIIIa and b by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1113Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1093/2008 of 5 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for cod in I and IIb by vessels flying the flag of Spain2008 No. 1093Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1092/2008 of 5 November 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for cod in I and IIb by vessels flying the flag of Poland2008 No. 1092Regulations originating from the EU
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1091/2008 of 31 October 2008 establishing a prohibition of fishing for mackerel in IIIa and IV; EC waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and IIId by vessels flying the flag of France2008 No. 1091Regulations originating from the EU

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