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Your text search for "Cayman Islands" and "Overseas Territories" in the English language of legislation has returned more than 200 results.

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The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 20072007 No. 3468UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Student Support) (Postgraduate Master's Degrees) (Wales) Regulations 20192019 No. 895 (W. 161)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Addysg (Cymorth i Fyfyrwyr) (Graddau Meistr Ôl-raddedig) (Cymru) 2019
The Education (Student Support) Regulations 20112011 No. 1986UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Postgraduate Master's Degree Loans) Regulations 20162016 No. 606UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Postgraduate Doctoral Degree Loans) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 656 (W. 124)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Addysg (Benthyciadau at Radd Ddoethurol Ôl-raddedig) (Cymru) 2018
The Education (Postgraduate Doctoral Degree Loans and the Education (Student Loans) (Repayment) (Amendment) (No. 2) etc.) Regulations 20182018 No. 599UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Student Support) (European University Institute) Regulations 20102010 No. 447UK Statutory Instruments
The Dumping at Sea Act 1974 (Overseas Territories) Order 19751975 No. 1831UK Statutory Instruments
The Extradition (Overseas Territories) Order 20022002 No. 1823UK Statutory Instruments
The Côte d’Ivoire (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) Order 20122012 No. 3067UK Statutory Instruments
The Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Overseas Territories) Order 20122012 No. 1755UK Statutory Instruments
The Iraq (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) Order 20152015 No. 1383UK Statutory Instruments
The Zimbabwe (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) Order 20122012 No. 2753UK Statutory Instruments
The Sudan (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) Order 20142014 No. 2707UK Statutory Instruments
The Export of Goods, Transfer of Technology and Provision of Technical Assistance (Control) (Overseas Territories) Order 20042004 No. 3101UK Statutory Instruments
The Belarus (Restrictive Measures) (Overseas Territories) Order 20112011 No. 2440UK Statutory Instruments
The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) (Environmental Standards) Order 20242024 No. 378UK Statutory Instruments
The Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Overseas Territories) Order 20112011 No. 1678UK Statutory Instruments
The Sudan and South Sudan (Restrictive Measures) (Overseas Territories) Order 20122012 No. 361UK Statutory Instruments
The Carriage by Air Acts (Application of Provisions) (Overseas Territories) Order 19671967 No. 810UK Statutory Instruments

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