Search Legislation

Search Results

Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1990-1999 numbered between 500 and 599 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

Data is ordered by:

  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The British Citizenship (Designated Service) (Amendment) Order 19951995 No. 552UK Statutory Instruments
The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 551UK Statutory Instruments
The Building Societies (Liquid Asset) (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 550UK Statutory Instruments
The Non-Domestic Rating (Unoccupied Property) (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 549UK Statutory Instruments
The Non-Domestic Rates (Levying) (Scotland) Regulations 19951995 No. 548 (S. 39)UK Statutory Instruments
The Police (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 547UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Government (Wales) Act 1994 (Commencement No. 3) Order 19951995 No. 546 (C. 13)UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Grants) (Travellers and Displaced Persons) (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 543UK Statutory Instruments
The Legal Aid in Criminal and Care Proceedings (General) (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 542UK Statutory Instruments
The Medicines (Homoeopathic Medicinal Products for Human Use) Amendment Regulations 19951995 No. 541UK Statutory Instruments
The Poultry Meat, Farmed Game Bird Meat and Rabbit Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 19951995 No. 540UK Statutory Instruments
The Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 19951995 No. 539UK Statutory Instruments
The Central Regional Council (Prohibition of Swimming, Bathing etc. in Reservoirs) Byelaws Extension Order 19951995 No. 538 (S. 38)UK Statutory Instruments
The Bovine Offal (Prohibition) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19951995 No. 537 (S. 37)UK Statutory Instruments
The Greater London and Surrey (County and London Borough Boundaries) (Variation) Order 19951995 No. 536UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Authorities (Capital Finance) (Rate of Discount for 1995/96) Regulations 19951995 No. 535UK Statutory Instruments
The National Health Service (District Health Authorities) (No. 2) Order 19951995 No. 534UK Statutory Instruments
The National Health Service (Determination of Districts) (No. 2) Order 19951995 No. 533UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (School Financial Statements) (Prescribed Particulars etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 19951995 No. 532UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Government Changes for England (Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit) Regulations 19951995 No. 531UK Statutory Instruments

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