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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1960-1969 numbered between 500 and 599 has returned more than 200 results.

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Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Civil Defence (Fire Services) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19681968 No. 548 (S. 52)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Defence Corps (Scotland) (Revocation) Regulations 19681968 No. 547 (S. 51)UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Health Service (Hydestile Hospital) Order 19681968 No. 545UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Health Service (Charges for Dental Treatment) Regulations 19681968 No. 544UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Defence (Fire Services) Regulations 19681968 No. 542UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Defence Corps (Revocation) Regulations 19681968 No. 541UK Statutory Instruments
    The Provision of Milk and Meals Amending Regulations 19681968 No. 534UK Statutory Instruments
    The Inland Post Amendment (No. 1) Regulations 19681968 No. 533UK Statutory Instruments
    The Calf Subsidies (United Kingdom) Scheme 19681968 No. 531UK Statutory Instruments
    The Police Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 19681968 No. 530UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Milk Distributive) (England and Wales) Order 19681968 No. 525UK Statutory Instruments
    The Family Allowances, National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (Consequential) Regulations 19681968 No. 524UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 19681968 No. 523UK Statutory Instruments
    The Rate Support Grant (Increase) (Scotland) Order 19681968 No. 516 (S. 50)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Market Development Scheme (Extension of Period) Order 19681968 No. 514UK Statutory Instruments
    The Abortion (Scotland) Regulations 19681968 No. 505 (S. 49)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Veterinary Surgeons (Examination of Commonwealth and Foreign Candidates) Regulations Order of Council 19671967 No. 599UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance (Mariners) Amendment Regulations 19671967 No. 594UK Statutory Instruments
    The Plant Varieties (Index) (Amendment) Regulations 19671967 No. 593UK Statutory Instruments
    The Licensing of Port Employers (Inquiries Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 19671967 No. 588UK Statutory Instruments

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