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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1963 has returned more than 200 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Motor Vehicles (Speed Limit on Special Roads) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 232Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Welfare Services (Registration of Homes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 231Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Marketing of Poultry Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 230Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Census of Production (Exemption) Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 228Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Boot and Shoe Repairing Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 227Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Superannuation (Joint Service) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 226Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Road Vehicles Lighting (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 225Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Wild Birds Protection (Classification) Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 224Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Radioactive Substances (Waste Closed Sources) Exemption Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 222Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Radioactive Substances (Thorium-X) Exemption Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 221Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The 4.5% Ulster Development Bonds Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 220Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Radioactive Substances (Schools etc.) Exemption Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 219Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Radioactive Substances (Precipitated Phosphate) Exemption Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 218Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Radioactive Substances (Hospitals' Waste) Exemption Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 217Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Radioactive Substances (Attachments to Lightning Conductors) Exemption Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 216Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Slaughter-houses (Exemption) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 215Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Northern Ireland Winter Assize Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 214Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Live Stock Breeding (Licensing of Boars) Rules (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 213Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The County and County Borough (Librarians' Qualifications) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 212Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Companies (Liquidation Accounts) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 211Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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