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The Road Traffic Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1996


This is the original version (as it was originally made).


Provision creating offenceGeneral nature of offenceMode of prosecutionPunishmentDisqualificationEndorsementPenalty points
Offences under the Order of 1981
Article 3(1)Driving without a licence.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary if committed by driving a motor vehicle in a case where either no licence authorising the driving of that vehicle could have been granted to the offender or, if a provisional (but no other) licence to drive it could have been granted to him, the driving would not have complied with the conditions of the licence.Obligatory if committed as described in column 5.3-6
Article 3(2)Causing or permitting a person to drive without a licence.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 9(10)Failure to deliver a licence and counterpart revoked by virtue of Article 9(8) to Department.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 10(3)Failure to deliver revoked licence and counterpart to Department.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 11(3)Failure to notify Department of onset of, or deterioration in, relevant or prospective disability.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 13Failure to comply with any conditions prescribed for driving under provisional licence.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.DiscretionaryObligatory.3-6
Article 14Failure to comply with any conditions prescribed for driving under provisional licence where conditions applicable to driving under full licence.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3-6
Article 15(7)Driving licence holder failing, when his licence is revoked, to surrender it and its counterpart or, when particulars become incorrect, to surrender the licence and counterpart and give particulars.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 19Exceeding speed limit in vehicle required to display or displaying learner-driver’s mark.Summarily.

(i)Where the mark is required to be displayed, level 3 on the standard scale.

(ii)Where the mark is not required to be displayed, level 2 on the standard scale.

Discretionary if committed as described in column 4(i).Obligatory if committed as described in column 4(i).3-6 if committed as described in column 4(i).
Article 19AFailure to comply with restriction on restricted drivers.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory3-6
Article 19BExceeding speed limit in vehicle displaying restricted driver’s mark where mark is not required to be displayed.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 19EFailing to produce Great Britain driving licence and counterpart.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 20Contravention of rule of road or overtaking incorrectly.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 21Contravention of an order controlling movement of, and waiting by, traffic.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 22Using or causing or permitting a vehicle to be used on a road restricted by order under Article 22 in contravention of the order.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 31E(1)Using, etc., motor vehicle or vehicle pa; without required certificate being in force showing that it complies with type approval requirements applicable to it.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 31E(2)Using, etc., motor vehicle with alteration required to be but not notified to Department under Article 31 B.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 31E(5)Selling, etc., motor vehicle or vehicle part without required certificate being in force showing that it complies with type approval requirements applicable to it.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 31FFailure to hold EC certificate of conformity for unregistered light passenger vehicle.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 31GLight passenger vehicles not to be sold without EC certificate of conformity.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 56Driving, or causing or permitting the driving of, goods vehicle in excess of prescribed hours.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 59Public service vehicle plying for hire where driver not licensed.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 60Public service vehicle plying for hire when not licensed under Article 61.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 62(2)Permitting overcrowding on public service vehicle.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 62(4)Failure to produce to court licence granted under Article 61.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 64Owner of public service vehicle failing to provide alternative transport.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 66Contravention of Community provision as to keeping or production of documents.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 72Failing to comply with conditions of LGV or PCV licence, or causing or permitting person under 21 to drive LGV or PCV in contravention of such conditions.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 75Failure to deliver revoked or suspended LGV or PCV licence and its counterpart to Department.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 77(4)Contravention of provision of regulations (which is declared by regulations to be an offence) about LGV or PCV drivers' licences.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 79ADriving without a taxi driver’s licence.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary if committed by driving a taxi where no licence authorising the driving of that vehicle could have been granted.Obligatory if committed as described in column 5.3-6
Article 81(1)Driving, or causing or permitting the driving of, motor vehicle in contravention of applicable Community rules as to periods of driving, etc.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 81(2)Contravention of requirement of applicable Community rules as to books, records or documents.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 81(3)Making, or causing to be made, false entry in book, record or document kept for purposes of applicable Community rules.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 82Failure to produce, etc., books, records or documents; obstructing inspector of vehicles.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 86Driving, or causing or permitting the driving of, vehicle in contravention of a prohibition under Article 84, or refusing, neglecting or otherwise failing to comply with a direction given under Article 84(3).Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 90Driving, or causing or permitting a person to drive, motor vehicle while uninsured.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.6-8
Article 95Failure to surrender certificate on cancellation of insurance policy or security.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 96Failure of person against whom claim made to give information as to insurance or security.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 97Failure to give information or to produce certificate, or making false reply or false statement as to insurance.Summarily.

Level 4 on the standard scale.

NOTE: If in any case the offence consists only in failure to produce a certificate of insurance or security the punishment is that provided for an offence under Article 180.

Article 105(3A)Using parking places reserved for disabled persons' vehicles, contrary to bye-laws under Article 105.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 115(1)Parking, etc., vehicles in parking places on roads where charges made, contrary to bye-laws under Article 107, and otherwise contravening those bye-laws.Summarily.

In the case of an offence committed through contravention of a bye-law relating to the use of street parking place reserved for disabled persons' vehicles which would not have been an offence if the vehicle in respect of which it was committed had been a disabled person’s vehicle, level 3 on the standard scale.

In any other case level 2 on the standard scale.

Article 115(3)Interfering, etc., with parking meter.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 116Public service vehicle plying for hire, etc., in parking place.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 123Failure to carry, cause to be carried or erect warning devices indicating temporary obstructions.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 124Failure to provide warning of works.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 126Interference with or damage to traffic signs.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 127Placing, etc., unauthorised traffic signs, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 132(3)Taking, etc., title implying registration as driving instructor.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 132(5)Making of false statement, etc., to obtain registration, etc., as driving instructor.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 133Giving of paid driving instruction by unregistered or unlicensed persons or their employers.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 136Failure to surrender certificate or licence within 14 days of notice.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 137Failure to produce certificate of registration or licence as driving instructor.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 154(1)Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3
Article 154(2)Refusal to submit to test to ascertain whether offence committed under Article 154(1).Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3
Article 155Exceeding speed limit.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3-6
Article 156Exceeding temporary or experimental speed limit.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3-6
Article 166(1)(a)Applying for or obtaining driving licence or provisional licence while disqualified by reason of being under age.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 166(1)(b)Applying for or obtaining driving licence or provisional licence while otherwise disqualified.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 167(1)(a)Driving motor vehicle while disqualified by reason of being under age.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3-6
Article 167(1)(b)Driving motor vehicle while otherwise disqualified.


(b)On indictment.

(a)The statutory maximum or 6 months or both.

(b)A fine or 1 year or both.

Article 167(3)Causing or permitting a person to drive while under age.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 171(4)Obstructing or impeding, etc., removal of vehicle under Article 171(2).Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 172

Taking vehicle without owner’s consent:—

Where vehicle is a cycle.

Where vehicle is a vehicle other than a cycle.





On indictment.

Level 3 on the standard scale.


The statutory maximum or 6 months or both.


A fine or 1 year or both.

Discretionary if committed in respect of a vehicle other than a cycle.
Article 174(1)Making false or misleading statements, furnishing false or misleading particulars or withholding material information in connection with applications for licences or certificates under the Order of 1981 or for obtaining certificate of insurance or security or issuing false certificate of insurance or security.SummarilyLevel 4 on the standard scale.
Article 174(2)Forgery or fraudulently altering, etc., identification marks, badges, licences, certificates or certificates of insurance, etc.


(b)On indictment.

(a)The statutory maximum.

(b)A fine or 2 years or both.

Article 174AWrongful use of disabled person’s badge.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 175(2)Failure of driver of mechanically propelled vehicle to comply with duties on occurrence of accident caused by that vehicle.Summarily.

Level 5 on the standard scale or 6 months or both.

NOTE: If in any case the offence consists only in failure to produce a certificate of insurance or security the punishment is that provided for an offence under Article 180.

Article 175(5)Failure of owner of mechanically propelled vehicle to comply with duties on occurrence of accident where vehicle driven by person other than owner.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 176Failure to comply with duties on occurrence of other accidents.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 177Failure of driver or owner of vehicle or other person required to do so, to give information for purposes of identification to police.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary if committed under Article 177(1)(b) or (c) and otherwise than by virtue of section 20(2) of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954.Obligatory if committed as described in column (5).3
Article 178Failure of cyclist to give information for purposes of identification to police.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 179Failure of pedestrian to give information for purposes of identification to police.Summarily.Level 1 on the standard scale.
Article 180Failing to stop when so required by constable in uniform, failing to produce licence etc. for examination or to state date of birth, failing to provide Department with evidence of date of birth, etc., or obstructing etc. police.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 209Contravention of prohibition or restriction on use of bridge.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Offences under the Order of 1995
Article 9Causing death, or grievous bodily injury, by dangerous driving.On indictment.10 years or a fine or both.Obligatory.Obligatory.3-11
Article 10Dangerous driving.


(b)On indictment.

(a)6 months or the statutory maximum or both.

(b)2 years or a fine or both.

Article 12Careless, and inconsiderate, driving.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3-9
Article 14Causing death, or grievous bodily injury, by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs.On indictment.10 years or a fine or both.Obligatory.Obligatory.3-11
Article 15(1)Driving or attempting to drive when unfit to drive through drink or drugs.Summarily.6 months or level 5 on the standard scale or both.Obligatory.Obligatory.3-11
Article 15(2)Being in charge of a mechanically propelled vehicle when unfit to drive through drink or drugs.Summarily.3 months or level 4 on the standard scale or both.Discretionary.Obligatory.10
Article 16(1)(a)Driving or attempting to drive with excess alcohol in breath, blood or urine.Summarily6 months or level 5 on the standard scale or both.Obligatory.Obligatory.3-11
Article 16(1)(b)Being in charge of a motor vehicle with excess alcohol in breath, blood or urine.Summarily.3 months or level 4 on the standard scale or both.Discretionary.Obligatory.10
Article 17Failing to provide a specimen of breath for a preliminary breath test.SummarilyLevel 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.4
Article 18Failing to provide specimen for analysis or laboratory test.Summarily.

(a)Where the specimen was required to ascertain ability to drive or proportion of alcohol at the time offender was driving or attempting to drive, 6 months or level 5 on the standard scale or both.

(b)In any other case, 3 months or level 4 on the standard scale or both.

(a)Obligatory in case mentioned in column 4(a).

(b)Discretionary in any other case.


(a)3-11 in case mentioned in column 4(a).

(b)10 in any other case.

Article 23Driving or riding in a motor vehicle in contravention of regulations requiring wearing of seat belts.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 24(2)Driving motor vehicle with child in front not wearing seat belt.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 24(5)Driving motor vehicle with child in rear not wearing seat belt.Level 1 on the standard scale.
Article 26(3) or (4)Selling, etc., in certain circumstances equipment as conducive to the safety of children in motor vehicles.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 27Driving or riding motor cycles in contravention of regulations requiring wearing of protective headgear.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 28Selling, etc., helmet not of the prescribed type as helmet for affording protection for motor cyclists.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 29(3)Contravention of regulations with respect to use of head-worn appliances on motor cycles.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 29(4)Selling, etc., appliance not of prescribed type as approved for use on motor cycles.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 30Prohibition of parking of heavy commercial vehicles on verges, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 32Leaving vehicles in dangerous positions.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary if committed in respect of a motor vehicle.Obligatory if committed in respect of a motor vehicle.3
Article 33Causing danger to road-users.


(b)On indictment.

(a)6 months or the statutory maximum or both.

(b)7 years or a fine or both.

Article 34Carrying passenger on motor bicycle contrary to Article 34.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.Discretionary.Obligatory.3
Article 35Carrying passenger on a bicycle contrary to Article 35.Summarily.Level 1 on the standard scale.
Article 36Tampering with motor vehicles.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 37Holding or getting on to vehicle, etc., in order to be towed or carried.Summarily.Level 1 on the standard scale.
Article 38Pedestrian endangering own safety or other’s safety.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 39Passing incorrectly with led horse.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 40Drunkenness, etc., in charge of horse-drawn vehicle.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 41Careless, and inconsiderate, driving of horse-drawn vehicle.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 42Dangerous cycling.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 43Careless, and inconsiderate, cycling.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 44Cycling when unfit through drink or drugs.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 45(1)Unauthorised or irregular cycle racing or trials of speed on public roads.Summarily.Level 1 on the standard scale.
Article 45(6)Contravention of direction of Chief Constable.Summarily.Level 1 on the standard scale.
Article 46Contravening prohibition on persons under 14 driving electrically assisted pedal cycles.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 47Unauthorised motor vehicle trial on public paths, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 48Driving mechanically propelled vehicles elsewhere than on roads.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 49Failing to comply with traffic directions or traffic signs.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.

Discretionary if committed in respect of a motor vehicle by failure to comply with—


a direction of a constable, or


an indication given by a traffic sign specified for the purposes of this paragraph in regulations under Article 49(2) of the Order of 1995.

Obligatory if committed as described in column 5.3
Article 54Using vehicle in dangerous condition, etc.Summarily.

(a)Level 5 on the standard scale if committed in respect of a goods vehicle or a vehicle adapted to carry more than 8 passengers.

(b)Level 4 on the standard scale in any other case.

Article 56Breach of requirement as to brakes, steering-gear or tyres.Summarily.

(a)Level 5 on the standard scale if committed in respect of a goods vehicle or a vehicle adapted to carry more than 8 passengers.

(b)Level 4 on the standard scale in any other case.

Article 57Breach of requirement as to weight: goods and passenger vehicles.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 58Breach of other construction and use requirements.Summarily.

(a)Level 4 on the standard scale if committed in respect of a goods vehicle or a vehicle adapted to carry more than 8 passengers.

(b)Level 3 on the standard scale in any other case.

Article 63Using, etc., vehicle without required test certificate being in force.Summarily.

(a)Level 4 on the standard scale in the case of a vehicle adapted to carry more than 8 passengers.

(b)Level 3 on the standard scale in any other case.

Regulations under Article 65 made by virtue of Article 67(2)Contravention of requirement of regulations (which is declared by regulations to be an offence) that driver of goods vehicle being tested be present throughout test or drive, etc., vehicle as and when directed.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 69(1)Using, etc., goods vehicle without required plating certificate being in force.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 69(2)Using, etc., goods vehicle without required goods vehicle test certificate being in force.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 69(3)Using, etc., goods vehicle where Department is required by regulations under Article 65 to be notified of an alteration to the vehicle or its equipment but has not been notified.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 70Using goods vehicle with unauthorised weights as well as authorised weights marked on it.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 71Driver of goods vehicle allowing unauthorised passengers to be carried in vehicle; unauthorised passengers being carried in goods vehicle.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 75Obstructing testing of vehicle by examiner on road or failing to comply with requirements of Article 75.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 76Obstructing inspection, etc., of vehicle by examiner or failing to comply with requirement to take vehicle for inspection.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 80Driving, etc., vehicle in contravention of prohibition on driving it as being unfit for service, or refusing, neglecting or otherwise failing to comply with direction to remove a vehicle found overloaded.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 82Contravention of regulations requiting goods vehicle operator to inspect, and keep records of inspection of, goods vehicles.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 83Selling, etc., unroadworthy vehicle or trailer or altering vehicle or trailer so as to make it unroadworthy.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 84(1)Fitting of defective or unsuitable vehicle parts.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 84(3)Supplying defective or unsuitable vehicle parts.Summarily.Level 4 on the standard scale.
Article 84(8)Obstructing examiner testing vehicles to ascertain whether defective or unsuitable part has been fitted, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 85Obstructing examiner testing condition of used vehicles at sale rooms, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 86Failing to comply with requirement about weighing motor vehicle or obstructing authorised person.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Article 88Selling, etc., cycle in contravention of regulations as to brakes, bells, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 90Selling, etc., wrongly made tail lamps or reflectors.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.
Schedule 1 paragraph 4Applying warranty to equipment, protective helmet, appliance or information in defending proceedings under Article 26, 28 or 29(4) where no warranty given, or applying false warranty.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Offences under this Order
Article 27Failing to give information as to date of birth or sex to court or to provide Department with evidence of date of birth, etc.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 28Failing to produce licence and counterpart to court making order for interim disqualification.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 29Failing to produce licence and counterpart to court for endorsement on conviction of offence involving obligatory or discretionary disqualification.Summarily.Level 3 on the standard scale.
Article 67(2)Removing fixed penalty notice fixed to vehicle.Summarily.Level 2 on the standard scale.
Article 72False statement in response to notice to owner.Summarily.Level 5 on the standard scale.

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