Section 4 - aspects of improvement
8.Section 4 defines the aspects of improvement which feature in this Part of the Measure. Section 4 allows Welsh improvement authorities to demonstrate improvement in a variety of different ways. The section creates a number of aspects of improvement which are used to assess whether improvement has taken place. Some aspects relate solely to improvement in the provision of services, for example a local authority demonstrates improvement in terms of ‘service availability’ if it improves the availability of its services. By contrast, improvement in terms of ‘sustainability’ would be demonstrated if any of a local authority’s functions (and not just those which involve the provision of a service) are exercised in a way which contributes towards the achievement of sustainable development in the authority’s area.
9.Explanation of the definitions and how they will operate in practice, such as illustrative examples and circumstances in which authorities might apply the aspects of improvement, will be set out in guidance.