Housing (Scotland) Act 2014

  1. Introduction

  2. The Act

  3. The Structure and a Summary of the Act

    1. Part One – Right to Buy

    2. Part Two – Social Housing

      1. Allocation of social housing

        1. Reasonable preference in allocation of social housing

        2. Rules on priority of allocation of housing: consultation

        3. Short Scottish secure tenancy

        4. Scottish secure tenancy

    3. Part Three – Private Rented Housing

      1. Transfer of sheriff’s jurisdiction to First-tier Tribunal

      2. Landlord registration

      3. Repairing standard

      4. Enforcement of repairing standard

      5. Procedure for third party applications

      6. Appeals in relation to third party applications

      7. Private Rented Housing: Enhanced Enforcement Areas

    4. Part Four – Letting Agents

      1. Inclusion in the register

      2. Duties of registered letting agents

      3. Removal from the register

      4. Appeals

      5. Consequences of refusal or removal

      6. Offences where no registration

      7. Code of practice

      8. Letting agent enforcement orders

      9. Monitoring of compliance

      10. General

    5. Part Five – Mobile Home Sites With Permanent Residents

      1. General application

        1. Part 1A site licence

      2. Fit and proper persons

      3. Offences relating to relevant permanent sites

      4. Local authority enforcement at relevant permanent sites

      5. Miscellaneous

    6. Part Six – Private Housing Conditions

      1. Tenement management scheme

      2. Notice of potential liability for costs: notice of discharge

      3. Work notices

      4. Maintenance orders and plans

      5. Repayment charges

      6. Charging orders

    7. Part Seven – Miscellaneous

      1. Right to redeem heritable security after 20 years: power to exempt

      2. First-tier Tribunal: disqualification of members from exercise of certain functions

      3. Private rented housing panel: disqualification from membership

      4. Delegation of certain functions

      5. Scottish Housing Regulator: transfer of assets following inquiries

      6. Registered social landlord becoming a subsidiary of another body

      7. Repeal of defective designation provisions

    8. Part Eight – Supplementary and Final Provisions

      1. Interpretation

      2. Subordinate legislation

      3. Ancillary provision

      4. Minor and consequential amendments

      5. Commencement

      6. Short title

    9. Schedule 1 – Transfer of Jurisdiction to First-Tier Tribunal

      1. Part 1 – Regulated tenancies, Part VII contracts and assured tenancies

        1. Rent (Scotland) Act 1984

        2. Housing (Scotland) Act 1988

      2. Schedule 1 - Part 2 - Repairing Standard

        1. Housing (Scotland) Act 2006

      3. Schedule 1 – Part 3 – Right to Adapt Rented Houses

      4. Schedule 1 - Part 4 – Landlord Registration

        1. Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004

    10. Schedule 2 – Minor and Consequential Amendments

  4. Parliamentary History