Section 19: Acquisition of land by agreement
64.This section enables a promoter, which includes the Scottish Ministers, of an order under section 1 to acquire a third party’s land, provided that the third party enjoys a qualifying interest and where the use of the third party’s land is or will be seriously affected by the carrying out of the construction or operation of the works authorised by the section 1 order.
65.Subsection (2) gives power to a promoter to acquire land by agreement in advance of works authorised by an order, whereas subsection (1) gives power once works or operations have commenced. Subsection (3) provides details of a qualifying interest which comprises not only an interest in domestic property but also in relevant agricultural and limited business premises. Subsection (4) states that the power to acquire land which is seriously affected by the construction of works cannot be exercised unless the acquisition begins before the project is brought into use and the power to acquire land which is affected by the use of the project cannot be exercised unless the acquisition is begun within one year of the project being brought into use.
66.Subsection (5) states that the power provided by section 19 only applies if a promoter does not already have the necessary power to acquire land by agreement.