Section 18: Access to land
59.Subsection (1)(a) permits the Scottish Ministers to set up a regime to authorise prospective applicants to access land for the purposes of informing an application for an order.
60.There are a number of matters described in a non-exhaustive list at subsection (2) that the Scottish Ministers may cover in an order providing the access regime. These matters might include establishing criteria as to whether the prospective applicant is a fit and proper person that is acting in good faith and has a genuine reason for wishing to seek access to the land; the manner and notification of application; and permitting the person who wishes to enter the land and the person whose land may be entered an opportunity to make representations.
61.The Scottish Ministers may consider under subsection (2)(a)(vi) attaching conditions and limitations to any authorisation. That is so as to ensure that the person entering land conducts their business in a safe and secure manner and that entry is planned in a manner that takes full cognisance of the interests that prevail on that land i.e. on agricultural land cropping and lambing times for instance would need to be factored into the times and duration of entry, similarly entry to land on which rail or other operations are conducted might mean that particular conditions of entry will apply. The Scottish Ministers may make provision within the rules for statutory undertakers who are considered worthy of special protection against the prospective promoter taking access to land on which the undertakers have apparatus.
62.Under subsection (2)(a)(x) and (b)(vii) provision may be made that if the person whose land is affected refuses entry a prospective promoter may make an application to a Sheriff for a warrant to enter the land.
63.Subsection (1)(b) permits also the Scottish Ministers by order to enter land and subsection (2)(b) describes in a non-exhaustive list matters that the Scottish Ministers may contain within an order providing such an access regime.