Section 13 – Sheriff’s power to make parenting order
44.Section 13 provides that where a sheriff makes an antisocial behaviour order in civil proceedings in respect of a child, the sheriff may make a parenting order as well if satisfied that the making of the parenting order is desirable in the interests of preventing the child from engaging in further antisocial behaviour and that the Scottish Ministers have notified the court that the relevant authority has made arrangements that would enable the parenting order to be complied with. Provisions on parenting orders are under Part 9 of the Act.
45.Where a court is considering making a parenting order under section 13 it will be obliged to comply with the provisions about procedural requirements in section 108 and the substantive considerations set out in section 109 and 110. The provisions of sections 105, 106 and 107 in relation to review of the order, appeals and failure to comply with the order also apply to a parenting order made under this section. As will the provision made at section 111 which restricts reporting of the proceedings. Section 138 of the Act which makes provision for proceedings to be conducted and determined in private also applies to proceedings under section 13.