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Your title search for children and families act in the English language of legislation has returned 34 results.

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Children and Families Act 20142014 c. 6UK Public General Acts
Children, Schools and Families Act 20102010 c. 26UK Public General Acts
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement) (Wales) Order 20152015 No. 1808 (C. 111) (W. 259)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Deddf Plant a Theuluoedd 2014 (Cychwyn) (Cymru) 2015
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional and Saving Provisions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 20152015 No. 1619UK Statutory Instruments
The Care Act 2014 and Children and Families Act 2014 (Consequential Amendments) Order 20152015 No. 914UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional and Saving Provisions) (Amendment) Order 20152015 No. 505UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 6) Order 20152015 No. 375 (C. 20)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 5 and Transitional Provision) Order 20142014 No. 2749 (C. 120)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 4) Order 20142014 No. 2609 (C. 114)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional and Saving Provisions) (No. 2) Order 20142014 No. 2270UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 3, Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 20142014 No. 1640 (C. 67)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 2) (Amendment) Order 20142014 No. 1134 (C. 47)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional Provisions) Order 20142014 No. 1042UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 2) Order 20142014 No. 889 (C. 38)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children and Families Act 2014 (Commencement No. 1) Order 20142014 No. 793 (C. 30)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children, Schools and Families Act 2010 (Commencement No. 4) Order 20132013 No. 1573 (C. 63)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children, Schools and Families Act 2010 (Commencement No. 3) Order 20132013 No. 668 (C. 27)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children, Schools and Families Act 2010 (Commencement No.2) Order 20112011 No. 1100 (C. 44)UK Statutory Instruments
The Children, Schools and Families Act 2010 (Commencement No. 1) Order 20102010 No. 1817 (C. 93)UK Statutory Instruments
The Family Proceedings Courts (Children Act 1989) (Amendment) (No.2) Rules 20102010 No. 1065 (L. 9)UK Statutory Instruments

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