The Agriculture (Safety, Health and Welfare Provisions) Act 1956 (Repeals and Modifications) Regulations 1975

5.—(1) These Regulations shall not affect the validity of anything done before the coming into operation of the Regulations under any provision of an enactment repealed or modified by the Regulations; and anything which at the coming into operation of the Regulations is in process of being done for the purposes of that provision (including in particular any legal proceedings) by or in relation to an inspector appointed under the 1956 Act may, so far as may be necessary for the purposes of or in consequence of the provisions of the Regulations, be continued by or in relation to an inspector appointed by the Minister or the Secretary of State under section 19 of the 1974 Act.

(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1) of this Regulation, any exemption, approval, authorisation, certificate, notice or direction granted or given or other thing whatsoever done, or having effect as if granted, given or done, for the purposes of any provision modified by these Regulations, shall if in force at the coming into operation of these Regulations, continue in force and have effect as if granted, given or done in accordance with that provision as so modified.

(3) Regulations and orders made or having effect under any provision repealed by these Regulations and in force immediately before the coming into operation of these Regulations shall continue in force notwithstanding the repeal of that provision.

(4) Where any provision repealed by these Regulations provides a defence against a charge of any kind or prescribes a penalty for an offence of any kind, then notwithstanding these Regulations, that defence shall continue to be available in respect of offences alleged to have been committed, and that penalty shall continue to apply to offences committed, before the date on which the repeal of that provision takes effect.