The Weights and Measures Regulations 1963


118.  Platform weighing machines which are to be permanently fixed in the position in which they are to be used and weighbridges shall be tested, passed as fit for use for trade and stamped only when completely erected ready for use and installed at the place where they are to be used.

119.  In testing platform weighing machines and weighbridges, the inspector shall where practicable—

(a)test the instrument at each numbered graduation up to and includin 1 ton, or such smaller amount as the last graduation on the steelyard indicator or dial may show; and

(b)test all loose counterpoises, if any, relating to the instrument; and

(c)either test the instrument ton by ton, or load it with heavy material to within 1 ton of its capacity and ascertain that an additional ton is correctly indicated to within the prescribed limits of error.

120.—(1) In testing platform weighing machines fitted with relieving gear, the inspector shall satisfy himself that—

(a)the machine falls within the prescribed limits of error when it is put steadily out of and into gear;

(b)the plate or platform is entirely disengaged from its bearings when the machine is in relief.

(2) Platform weighing machines and weighbridges shall indicate the same weight within half the prescribed limits of error when a load equal to one-quarter (or as near thereto as is practicable) of the capacity of the instrument is placed successively in the centre and near each end or corner of the platform.

(3) Platform weighing machines and weighbridges shall also fall within the prescribed limits of error when a load equal to the capacity of the machine (or as near thereto as is practicable) is uniformly distributed over the platform.

121.  Schedule 2 hereto shall have effect for prescribing limits of error—

(a)in the case of Part I and VII, in relation to platform weighing machines (other than self-indicating pit-bank weighing machines);

(b)in the case of Parts I and VIII, in relation to self-indicating pit-bank weighing machines;

(c)in the case of Parts I and IX, in relation to weighbridges.