Pluralities Act 1838

LXXXIXHow the Stipends shall be adjusted where the Curate is permitted to serve in Two adjoining Parishes.

And be it enacted, That in every Case where the Bishop shall find it necessary or expedient for obtaining the proper Performance of Ecclesiastical Duties to license any Spiritual Person holding any Benefice to serve as Curate of any adjoining or other Parish or Place, it shall be lawful for such Bishop, if he shall think fit, to assign to such Person so licensed a Stipend less by a Sum not exceeding Thirty Pounds per Annum than the Stipend which in the several Cases in this Act specified the Bishop is required to assign ; and in every Case where the Bishop shall find it necessary or expedient to license the same Person to serve as Curate for Two Parishes or Places, it shall be lawful for such Bishop, if he shall think fit, to direct that during such Time as such Curate shall serve the Churches or Chapels of such Two Parishes or Places the Stipend to be received by him for serving each of the said Churches or Chapels shall be less by a Sum not exceeding Thirty Pounds per Annum than the Stipend which in the several Cases herein-before specified the Bishop is required by this Act to assign.