Pluralities Act 1838

LXXXVIIIStipend of Curate engaged to serve interchangeably at different Benefices belonging to the same Incumbent.

. And belt enacted, That if any Incumbent of Two Benefices, residing bonĂ¢ fide in different Proportions of every Year on one or other of such Benefices the full Period specified by this Act, shall employ a Curate to perform Ecclesiastical Duty interchangeably from Time to Time upon such of the Benefices from which he shall be absent during his own actual Residence upon the other thereof, it shall be lawful for the Bishop to assign to such Curate any Stipend not exceeding such Stipend as would be allowed under this Act for the larger of such Benefices, nor less than would be allowed for the smaller, as to the Bishop shall under all the Circumstances appear just and reasonable: Provided always, that if any such Incumbent shall employ a Curate or Curates for the whole Year upon each of such Benefices, such Incumbent so residing bonĂ¢ fide as aforesaid, in such Case it shall be lawful for the Bishop to assign to either or each of such Curates any such Stipend less than the Amount specified in this Act as he shall think fit.