Church Building Act 1822

XXIICommissioners may apportion Glebe, Tithes, &c. or make permanent Charge thereon for Benefit of Persons serving any Chapel in the Parish.

And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners, with the Consent of the Bishop and Patron entitled in Fee Simple, in Cases where the said Commissioners may not deem it expedient to divide any Parish for Ecclesiastical Purposes, or create separate Districts for Ecclesiastical Purposes therein, either to make a permanent Rent Charge on or to apportion any Portion not exceeding a Moiety of the Glebe Lands, Tithes, Moduses, or other Emoluments, for the Benefit of the Incumbent of or Person serving any such Chapel or Chapels in any such Parish, as in their Discretion they may think expedient: Provided always, that the Presentation of every such endowed Chapel shall be vested in the Patron of the Church to which such Chapel or Chapels may appertain.