Church Building Act 1822

XXICommissioners may exonerate any new Subdivision of .Division of any Parish already divided, or which may hereafter be divided, from Repair of Church of such Division.

And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, in any Case in which any Division of any Parish already divided, or which may hereafter be divided under the Provisions of" the said recited Acts or this Act, shall be again divided, and on which any Church or Chapel shall be built or acquired and appropriated, for the Use of any such new Division, by any Instrument under the Seal of the said Commissioners, to declare that all Liability to any Repairs of the Church or Chapel of the Division from which such new Division shall be so made as aforesaid, shall cease from the Period specified in any such Instrument; and thereupon, from and after such Period, the new Division in which any such Church or Chapel shall be built, acquired, and appropriated, shall be liable only to the Repairs of such Church or Chapel, and to the Repairs, for whatever Periods shall remain of the Twenty Years under the said recited Act, of the Church of the original Parish ; any thing in the said recited Acts to the contrary notwithstanding.