The Agricultural Marketing (Northern Ireland) Order 1982

Further provisions as to marketing of regulated product and provisions for encouragement of co-operation, education and researchN.I.

9 .F1—(1) Subject to the approval of the Department, a scheme may provide—

(a)for empowering the board to buy the regulated product or goods wholly or partly manufactured or derived from that product, to produce goods wholly or partly manufactured or derived from that product and to sell, grade, pack, store, adapt for sale, insure, advertise, promote the sale of and transport the regulated product and any goods so bought or produced by the board;

(b)for empowering the board to buy from the board administering any corresponding scheme any product the marketing of which is regulated by that scheme, to produce from anything so bought any goods which the board is authorised to produce from the regulated product, and to sell, grade, pack, store, adapt for sale, insure, advertise, promote the sale of and transport anything so bought and any goods produced therefrom by the board;

(c)for empowering the board to exercise, as agents for the board administering any corresponding scheme, any power of that board to sell, grade, pack, store, adapt for sale, insure, advertise, promote the sale of and transport any product the marketing of which is regulated by that scheme;

(d)for empowering the board to manufacture or acquire, and to sell or let for hire to register producers and other persons, anything required for the production, grading, packing, storing, adaptation for sale, transport or sale of the regulated product;

(e)for empowering the board to render to registered producers and other persons, on payment or otherwise, any service which is calculated to promote the more efficient production, grading, packing, storing, adaptation for sale, transport or sale of the regulated product;

(f)for empowering the board to co-operate with any other person in doing anything which the board is or might be empowered to do by virtue of any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph;

(g)for empowering the board to do anything calculated to procure, promote or facilitate the doing by any other person of anything in the doing of which the board is or might be empowered to co-operate by virtue of sub-paragraph (f);

(h)for regulating the manner in which the regulated product or any description or quantity thereof is to be graded by or on behalf of registered producers, or the manner in which the regulated product or any description or quantity thereof is to be marked, packed, stored, adapted for sale, insured, advertised or transported by or on behalf of registered producers;

(i)without prejudice to any functions of the Department under section 5 of the Agriculture Act (Northern Ireland) 1949F2, for enabling the board to encourage, promote or conduct agricultural co-operation, research and education;

(j)for empowering the board to acquire, hold and dispose of securities in, and arrange for the formation of, a body corporate whose principal object is to do anything which the board is or might be empowered to do by virtue of sub-paragraph (a), (d) or (e) and for regulating the exercise by the board of any powers exercisable by it in relation to the appointment of directors of any such body corporate.

(2) A provision included in a scheme by virtue of paragraph (1)(d) or (e) shall be so framed as to secure that the things sold or let for hire, and the services rendered, are sold, let for hire or rendered, either exclusively or primarily, in such circumstances as to be likely to be utilised, either wholly or mainly, by, or in connection with the regulated product produced by, registered producers, and paragraphs (1)(f), (g) and (j) shall be construed accordingly.

(3) In this Article “corresponding scheme” means, in relation to a scheme, any scheme under corresponding legislation enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, being a scheme for regulating the marketing of the same product as the product the marketing of which is regulated by the first-mentioned scheme.

F1mod. by 1984 NI 12, SR 1995/103