Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2020/12Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2020/12 of 2 August 2019 supplementing Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the standards for competences and corresponding knowledge and skills, for the practical examinations, for the approval of simulators and for medical fitness (Text with EEA relevance)

 Help about what version

Pa Fersiwn


Mae hon yn eitem o ddeddfwriaeth sy’n deillio o’r UE

Mae unrhyw newidiadau sydd wedi cael eu gwneud yn barod gan y tîm yn ymddangos yn y cynnwys a chyfeirir atynt gydag anodiadau.Ar ôl y diwrnod ymadael bydd tair fersiwn o’r ddeddfwriaeth yma i’w gwirio at ddibenion gwahanol. Y fersiwn yw’r fersiwn sy’n weithredol yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Y Fersiwn UE sydd ar EUR-lex ar hyn o bryd yw’r fersiwn sy’n weithredol yn yr UE h.y. efallai y bydd arnoch angen y fersiwn hon os byddwch yn gweithredu busnes yn yr UE.

Y fersiwn yn yr archif ar y we yw’r fersiwn swyddogol o’r ddeddfwriaeth fel yr oedd ar y diwrnod ymadael cyn cael ei chyhoeddi ar ac unrhyw newidiadau ac effeithiau a weithredwyd yn y Deyrnas Unedig wedyn. Mae’r archif ar y we hefyd yn cynnwys cyfraith achos a ffurfiau mewn ieithoedd eraill o EUR-Lex.


Dyma’r fersiwn wreiddiol (fel y’i gwnaed yn wreiddiol).


The medical examiner should bear in mind that it is not possible to develop a comprehensive list of fitness criteria covering all possible conditions and the variations in their presentation and prognosis. The principles underlying the approach adopted in the table are often capable of being extrapolated to conditions not covered by it. Decisions on fitness when a medical condition is present depend on careful clinical assessment and analysis, and the following points need to be considered whenever a decision on fitness is taken:

  • Medical fitness, comprising of physical and psychological fitness, means not suffering from any disease or disability which makes the person serving on board an inland craft unable to do either of the following:


    execute the tasks necessary to operate the craft,


    perform assigned duties at any time,


    perceive correctly the environment.

  • The medical conditions listed are common examples of those that may render crew members unfit. The list can also be used to determine appropriate limitations on fitness. The criteria given can only provide guidance for physicians and shall not replace sound medical judgement.

  • The implications for working and living on inland waters vary widely, depending on the natural history of each condition and the scope for treatment. Knowledge about the condition and an assessment of its features in the individual being examined shall be used to reach a decision on fitness.

  • Where medical fitness cannot be fully demonstrated, mitigation measures and restrictions may be imposed on the condition of equivalent navigation safety. A list of mitigation measures and restrictions is added to the notes of this text. Where necessary, references to those mitigation measures and restrictions are made in the descriptions of the medical fitness criteria.

The table is laid out as follows:

Column 1: WHO International classification of diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10). Codes are listed as an aid to analysis and, in particular, international compilation of data.

Column 2: The common name of the condition or group of conditions, with a brief statement on its relevance to work on inland waterways.

Column 3: The medical fitness criteria that lead to the decision: incompatibility.

Column 4: The medical fitness criteria that lead to the decision: able to perform assigned duties at any time.

There are two appendices:

Appendix 1 Relevant criteria for vision as meant under diagnostic code H 0059

Appendix 2 Relevant criteria for hearing as meant under diagnostic code H 68-95.

ICD 10 diagnostic Codes Condition Justification for criteria Incompatibility to perform assigned duties at any time expected to be temporary (T) expected to be permanent (P) Able to perform assigned duties at any time
A 00 – 09

Gastrointestinal infection

Transmission to others, recurrence

T – If detected while onshore (current symptoms or awaiting test results on carrier status) or confirmed carrier status until elimination demonstratedNo symptoms affecting safe work
A 15–16

Pulmonary TB

Transmission to others, recurrence

T – Positive screening test or clinical history, until investigated.

If infected until treatment stabilised and lack of infectivity confirmed

P – Relapse or severe residual damage

Successful completion of a course of treatment
A 50–64

Sexually transmissible infections

Acute impairment, recurrence

T – If detected while onshore: until diagnosis confirmed, treatment initiated and successful completion of a course of treatment.

P – Untreatable impairing late complications

No symptoms affecting safe work
B 15

Hepatitis A

Transmissible by food or water contamination

T – Until jaundice resolved or exercise tolerance restoredNo symptoms affecting safe work
B 16–19

Hepatitis B.

Transmissible by contact with blood or other body fluids. Possibility of permanent liver impairment and liver cancer

T – Until jaundice resolved or exercise tolerance restored

P – Persistent liver impairment with symptoms affecting safe work or with likelihood to complications

No symptoms affecting safe work. Fit with a time limitation of maximum two years
Hepatitis C Transmissible by contact with blood or other body fluids. Possibility of permanent liver impairment

T – Until jaundice resolved or exercise tolerance restored

P – Persistent liver impairment with symptoms affecting safe work or with likelihood to complications

No symptoms affecting safe work
B 20–24


Transmissible by contact with blood or other body fluids. Progression to HIV associated diseases or AIDS

T – Good awareness of the condition and full compliance with treatment recommendations

P – Non-reversible impairing HIV associated diseases. Continuing impairing effects of medication

No symptoms affecting safe work. Fit with a time limitation of maximum two years

A 00–B 99

not listed separately

Other infection

Personal impairment, infection of others

T –In case of serious infection and serious risk of transmission

P – If continuing likelihood of repeated impairing or infectious recurrences

No symptoms affecting safe work
C 00–48

Malignant neoplasms – including lymphoma, leukaemia and related conditions

Recurrence – especially acute complications e.g. harm to self from bleeding

T – Until investigated, treated and prognosis assessed

P – Continuing impairment with symptoms affecting safe work or with high likelihood of recurrence

No symptoms affecting safe work

To be confirmed by formal assessment of a specialist

D 50 –59


Reduced exercise tolerance. Episodic red cell anomalies

T – Until haemoglobin normal or stable

P – Severe recurrent or continuing anaemia or impairing symptoms from red cell breakdown that are untreatable

No symptoms affecting safe work
D 73


(history of surgery)

Increased susceptibility to certain infections

T – Until completion of clinical treatment and exercise tolerance restoredNo symptoms affecting safe work

D 50 –89

not listed separately

Other diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

Varied – recurrence of abnormal bleeding and also possibly reduced exercise tolerance or low resistance to infections

T – While under investigation

P – Chronic coagulation disorders

Case-by-case assessment
E 10


– insulin using

Acute impairment from hypoglycaemia. Complications from loss of blood glucose control.

Increased likelihood of visual, neurological and cardiac problems

T – If lack of:


good control;


compliance with treatment or


hypoglycaemia awareness

P – If poorly controlled or not compliant with treatment. History of hypoglycaemia or loss of hypoglycaemia awareness.

Impairing complications of diabetes

Case-by-case assessment with a maximum time limitation of 5 years. If evidence of good control, full compliance with treatment recommendations and good hypoglycaemia awareness.

Restriction 04*** may be indicated

E 11–14

Diabetes – non- insulin treated.

On other medication

Progression to insulin use, increased likelihood of visual, neurological and cardiac problems

T – If lack of:


good control,


compliance with treatment or


hypoglycaemia awareness

When stabilised, in the absence of impairing complications: fit with a time limitation of maximum 5 years

Diabetes – non- insulin; treated by diet alone

Progression to insulin use, increased likelihood of visual, neurological and cardiac problems

T – If lack of:


good control,


compliance with treatment or


hypoglycaemia awareness

When stabilised, in the absence of impairing complications: fit with a time limitation of maximum 5 years
E 65–68

Obesity/abnormal body mass— high or low

Accident to self, reduced mobility and exercise tolerance for routine and emergency duties.

Increased likelihood of diabetes, arterial disease and arthritis

T – If safety critical duties cannot be performed, capability or exercise test performance is poor, Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥ 40 (obesity level 3)

P – Safety critical duties cannot be performed; capability or exercise test performance is poor with failure to achieve improvements

Able to meet routine and emergency capabilities for assigned safety critical duties.

Restrictions 07*** or/and 09*** may be indicated

E 00–90

not listed separately

Other endocrine and metabolic disease (thyroid, adrenal including Addison’s disease, pituitary, ovaries, testes)

Likelihood of recurrence or complications

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment. Until one year after initial diagnosis or relapse in which a regular review has taken place

P – If continuing impairment, need for frequent adjustment of medication or increased likelihood of major complications

Case-by-case assessment: if medication stable and surveillance of conditions infrequent, no impairment and very low likelihood of complications

Alcohol abuse (dependency)

Recurrence, accidents, erratic behaviour/safety performance

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment. Until one year after initial diagnosis or relapse in which a regular review has taken place

P – If persistent or there is co-morbidity, likely to progress or recur while at work

For three years in a row: fit with a time limitation of one year, with restrictions 04*** and 05***. Thereafter:

fit for a period of three years with restrictions 04*** and 05***.

Thereafter: fit without restrictions for consecutive periods of two, three and five years, without relapse and without co-morbidity, if a blood test at the end of each period shows no problems

F 11–19

Drug dependence/persistent substance abuse, includes both illicit drug use and dependence on prescribed medications

Recurrence, accidents, erratic behaviour/safety performance

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment. Until one year after initial diagnosis or relapse in which a regular review has taken place

P – If persistent or there is co-morbidity, likely to progress or recur while at work

For three years in a row: fit with a time limitation of one year, with restrictions 04*** and 05***. Thereafter:

fit for a period of three years with restrictions 04*** and 05***.

Thereafter: fit without restrictions for consecutive periods of two, three and five years, without relapse and without co-morbidity, if a blood test at the end of each period shows no problems

F 20-31

Psychosis (acute)

–whether organic, schizophrenic or other category listed in the ICD.

Bipolar (manic depressive disorders) Recurrence leading to changes to perception/cognition, accidents, erratic and unsafe behaviour

Following single episode with provoking factors:

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment. Until three months after initial diagnosis

If the deck crew member has insight, is compliant with treatment and has no adverse effects from medication: fit with restriction 04***. Restriction 05*** may be indicated.

Fit without restriction: one year after episode provided provoking factors can and will always be avoided

Time limitation: first two years, six months. Next five years, one year

Following single episode without provoking factors or more than one episode with or without provoking factors:

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment. Until two years since last episode.

P –More than one episode or continuing likelihood of recurrence. Criteria for fitness with or without restrictions are not met

If there has been no relapse and no use of medication for a period of two years: fit, if a medical specialist has determined that the cause can be unequivocally identified as one which is transient and a relapse is very unlikely

F 32–38 Mood/affective disorders. Severe anxiety state, depression, or any other mental disorder likely to impair performance Recurrence, reduced performance, especially in emergencies

T – While acute, under investigation or if impairing symptoms or side effects of medication present.

P – Persistent or recurrent impairing symptoms

After full recovery and after full consideration of the individual case. A fit assessment may be indicated depending on the characteristics and gravity of the mood disorder.

Time limitation: first two years, six months. Restrictions 04*** and/or 07*** may be indicated. Next five years, one year

Mood/affective disorders.

Minor or reactive symptoms of anxiety/depression. Recurrence, reduced performance, especially in emergencies

T – Until symptom free, and free from medication

P – Persistent or recurrent impairing symptoms

If free from impairing symptoms or impairing side effects from medication. Restrictions 04*** and/or 07*** may be indicate.

F 00–99

not listed separately

Other disorders

e.g. disorders of personality, attention (ADHD), development (e.g. autism) Impairment of performance and reliability, and impact on relationships

P – If considered to have safety-critical consequences

No anticipated adverse effects while at work.

Incidents during previous periods of service.

Restrictions 04*** and/or 07*** may be indicated

G 40–41

Single seizure

Harm to craft, others and self from seizures

Single seizure

T – While under investigation and for one year after seizure

One year after seizure and on stable medication:

fit with restriction 04***

Fit without restrictions: one year after seizure and one year after end of treatment

Epilepsy – no provoking factors (multiple seizures) Harm to craft, others and self from seizures

T – While under investigation and for two years after last seizure

P – Recurrent seizures, not controlled by medication

Off medication or on stable medication with good compliance:

fit with restriction 04***

Fit without restrictions when seizure-free and without medication for at least 10 years

Epilepsy – provoked by alcohol, medication, head injury

(multiple seizures)

Harm to craft, others and self from seizures

T – While under investigation and for two years after last seizure

P – Recurrent fits, not controlled by medication

Off medication or on stable medication with good compliance:

fit with restriction 04***

Fit without restrictions when seizure free and without medication for at least five years

G 43 Migraine (frequent attacks causing incapacity) Likelihood of disabling recurrencesP – Frequent attacks leading to incapacityNo anticipated incapacitating adverse effects while at work. No incidents during previous periods of service
G 47

Sleep apnoea

Fatigue and episodes of sleep while working

T – Until treatment started and successful for three months

P – Treatment unsuccessful or not being complied with

Once treatment demonstrably working effectively for three months. Six-monthly assessments of compliance.

Restriction 05*** may be indicated


Fatigue and episodes of sleep while working

T – Until controlled by treatment for at least two years

P – Treatment unsuccessful or not being complied with

If specialist confirms full control of treatment for at least two years: fit with restriction 04***

G 00–99

not listed separately

Other organic nervous disease

e.g. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease. Recurrence/progres sion. Limitations on muscular power, balance, co- ordination and mobility

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment

P – If limitations affect safe working or unable to meet physical capability requirements

Case-by-case assessment based on job and emergency requirements, informed by neurological-psychiatric specialist advice
R 55 Syncope and other disturbances of consciousness Recurrence causing injury or loss of control

T – Until investigated to determine cause and to demonstrate control of any underlying condition.

Event is:

(a) Simple faint/idiopathic syncope

Case-by-case assessment. Restriction 04*** may be indicated

(b) Not a simple faint/idiopathic syncope. Unexplained disturbance: not recurrent and without any detected underlying cardiac, metabolic or neurological cause

T – Four weeks

Case-by-case assessment. Restriction 04*** may be indicated.

(c) Disturbance: recurrent or with possible underlying cardiac, metabolic or neurological cause

T – With possible underlying cause that is not identified or treatable: for six months after event if no recurrences

T – With possible underlying cause or cause found and treated for one month after successful treatment

(d) Disturbance of consciousness with features indicating a seizure. Go to G 40–41

P – For all of above if recurrent incidents persist despite full investigation and appropriate treatment

T 90 Intracranial surgery/injury, including treatment of vascular anomalies or serious head injury with brain damage. Harm to ship, others and self from seizures. Defects in cognitive, sensory or motor function. Recurrence or complications of underlying condition

T – For one year or longer until seizure likelihood low* based on advice from specialist

P – Continuing impairment from underlying condition or injury or recurrent seizures

After at least one year, if seizure likelihood low* and no impairment from underlying condition or injury: fit with restriction 04***

Fit without restrictions when no impairment from underlying condition or injury, not on anti epilepsy medication. Seizure likelihood very low*


Eye disorders: progressive or recurrent (e.g. glaucoma, maculopathy, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, keratoconus, diplopia, blepharospasm, uveitis, corneal ulceration, retinal detachment)

Future inability to meet vision criteria, risk of recurrence

T – Temporary inability to meet relevant vision criteria (see Appendix 1) and low likelihood of subsequent deterioration or impairing recurrence once treated or recovered

P – Inability to meet relevant vision criteria (see Appendix 1) or if treated increased likelihood of subsequent deterioration or impairing recurrence

Very low likelihood of recurrence. Progression to a level where vision criteria are not met during period of certificate is very unlikely

Otitis – external or media

Recurrence, risk as infection source in food handlers, problems using hearing protection

T –If symptoms affecting safe work

P — If chronic discharge from ear in food handler

Effective treatment and no likelihood of recurrence

Ear disorders:

progressive (e.g. otosclerosis)

T – Temporary inability to meet relevant hearing criteria (see Appendix 2) and low likelihood of subsequent deterioration or impairing recurrence once treated or recovered

P – Inability to meet relevant hearing criteria (see Appendix 2) or if treated increased likelihood or subsequent deterioration or impairing recurrence

Very low recurrence rate*. Progression to a level where hearing criteria are not met during period of certificate is very unlikely

Meniere’s disease and other forms of chronic or recurrent disabling vertigo

Inability to balance causing loss of mobility and nausea

T – During acute phase

P – Frequent attacks leading to incapacity

Low likelihood* of impairing effects while at work

I 05-08

I 34-39

Congenital and valve disease of heart (including surgery for these conditions).

Heart murmurs not previously investigated Likelihood of progression, limitations on exercise

T – Until investigated and, if required, successfully treated

P – If exercise tolerance limited or episodes of incapacity occur or if on anticoagulants or if permanent high likelihood of impairing event

Case-by-case assessment based on cardiologic advice
I 10-15


Increased likelihood of ischemic heart disease, eye and kidney damage and stroke. Possibility of acute hypertensive episode

T – Normally if > 160 systolic or > 100 diastolic mm Hg until investigated and if required successfully treated

P – If persistently > 160 systolic or > 100 diastolic mm Hg with or without treatment

If treated and free from impairing effects from condition or medication
I 20–25 Cardiac event, i.e. myocardial infarction, ECG evidence of past myocardial infarction or newly recognised left bundle branch block, angina, cardiac arrest, coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary angioplasty Sudden loss of capability, exercise limitation. Problems of managing repeat cardiac event at work

T – For three months after initial investigation and treatment, longer if symptoms not resolved and in case of increased likelihood of recurrence due to pathological findings

P – If criteria for issue of certificate not met and further reduction of likelihood of recurrence improbable

Very low recurrence rate* and fully compliant with risk reduction recommendations and no relevant co- morbidity issue six month certificate initially and then annual certificate.

Low recurrence rate*:

fit with restriction 04***

Fit with a time limitation of one year

I 44–49 Cardiac arrhythmias and conduction defects (including those with pacemakers and implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICD)) Likelihood of impairment from recurrence, sudden loss of capability, exercise limitation Pacemaker/ICD activity maybe affected by strong electric fields

T – Until investigated, treated and adequacy of treatment confirmed

P – If disabling symptoms present or excess likelihood to impairment from recurrence, including ICD implant

Low recurrence rate*: fit with restriction 04***

Fit with a time limitation of one year

I 61–69

G 46

Ischaemic cerebro-vascular disease (stroke or transient ischaemic attack)

Increased likelihood of recurrence, sudden loss of capability, mobility limitation. Liable to develop other circulatory disease causing sudden loss of capability

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment. Until three months after initial diagnosis

P – If residual symptoms interfere with duties or there is significant excess likelihood of recurrence

Case-by-case assessment of fitness for duties; restriction 04*** is indicated.

Assessment shall include likelihood of future cardiac events. Able to meet routine and emergency capabilities for assigned safety critical duties Fit with a time limitation of one year

I 73 Arterial – claudication Likelihood of other circulatory disease causing sudden loss of capability. Limits to exercise capacity

T – Until assessed

P – If incapable of performing duties

Fit with restriction 04*** provided symptoms are minor and do not impair essential duties or if they are resolved by surgery or other treatment. Assess likelihood of future cardiac events. Fit with a time limitation of one year
183 Varicose veins Possibility of bleeding if injured, skin changes and ulcerationT – Until treated if impairing symptoms. Post surgery for up to one monthNo impairing symptoms or complications
I 80.2–3

Deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolus Likelihood of recurrence and of serious pulmonary embolus.

Likelihood to bleeding from anti- coagulant treatment

T – Until investigated and treated and normally while on short term anticoagulants

P – Consider if recurrent events or on permanent anticoagulants

May be considered fit for work with a low likelihood for injury once stabilised on anticoagulants with regular monitoring of level of coagulation

I 00–99

not listed separately

Other heart disease, e.g. cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, heart failure

Likelihood of recurrence, sudden loss of capability, exercise limitation

T – Until investigated, treated and adequacy of treatment confirmed

P – If impairing symptoms or likelihood of impairment from recurrence

Case-by-case assessment based on specialist reports

J 02–04

J 30–39

Nose, throat and sinus conditions Impairing for individual.

Transmission of infection to food/other crew in some conditions

T –Until no symptoms affecting safe work

P – If impairing and recurrent

When treatment complete if no factors predisposing to recurrence
J 40–44 Chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema Reduced exercise tolerance and impairing symptoms

T – If acute episode

P – If repeated severe recurrences or if general fitness standards cannot be met or if impairing shortness of breath

Consider fitness for emergencies. Able to meet routine and emergency capabilities for assigned safety critical duties.

Fit with a time limitation of one year

J 45–46 Asthma (detailed assessment with information from specialist in all new entrants) Unpredictable episodes of severe breathlessness

T – Until episode resolved, cause investigated (including any occupational link) and effective treatment regime in place

In person under age 20 with hospital admission or oral steroid use in last three years

P – If foreseeable likelihood of rapid life-threatening asthma attack while at work; or history of uncontrolled asthma i.e. history of multiple hospital admissions

Fit for duty if history of adult asthma**, with good control with inhalers and no episodes requiring hospital admission or oral steroid use in last two years or history or exercise induced asthma that requires regular treatment
J 93

Pneumothorax (spontaneous or traumatic)

Acute impairment from recurrence

T – Normally for 12 months after initial episode

P – After recurrent episodes unless pleurectomy or pleurodesis performed

Normally 12 months after episode or shorter duration as advised by specialist
K 01–06

Oral health Acute pain from toothache.

Recurrent mouth and gum infections

T –Until no symptoms affecting safe workIf teeth and gums (gums alone of edentulous and with well fitting dentures in good repair) appear to be good. No complex prosthesis; or if dental check in last year, with follow-up completed and no problems since
K 25–28 Peptic ulcer Recurrence with pain, bleeding or perforation

T – Until healing or cure by surgery or by control of helicobacteria and on normal diet for three months

P – If ulcer persists despite surgery and medication

When cured and on normal diet for three months
K 40–41 Hernias – inguinal and femoral Likelihood of strangulationT – Until investigated to confirm no likelihood of strangulation and, if required, treatedWhen satisfactorily treated or when surgeon reports that there is no likelihood of strangulation
K 42–43 Hernias – umbilical, ventral Instability of abdominal wall on bending and lifting

Case-by-case assessment depending on severity of symptoms or impairment.

Consider implications of regular heavy whole-body physical effort

Case-by-case assessment depending on severity of symptoms or impairment.

Consider implications of regular heavy whole-body physical effort

K 44

Hernias – diaphragmatic (hiatus)

Reflux of stomach contents and acid causing heartburn, etc.

Case-by-case assessment based on severity of symptoms when lying down and on any sleep disturbance caused by themCase-by-case assessment based on severity of symptoms when lying down and on any sleep disturbance caused by them

K 50,

51,57,58, 90

Non-infectious enteritis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, etc. Impairment and painT – Until investigated and treated P – If severe or recurrentCase-by-case specialist assessment. Low likelihood of recurrence

K 60

I 84

Anal conditions: piles (haemorrhoids), fissures, fistulae Likelihood to episode causing pain and limiting activity

T – If symptoms affecting safe work

P – Consider if not treatable or recurrent

Case-by-case assessment
K 70, 72

Cirrhosis of liver

Liver failure. Bleeding oesophageal varices

T – Until fully investigated.

P – If severe or complicated by ascites or oesophageal varices

Case-by-case based on specialist assessment.

Fit with a time limitation of one year.

K 80–83

Biliary tract disease

Biliary colic from gallstones, jaundice, liver failure

T – Biliary colic until definitively treated P – Advanced liver disease, recurrent or persistent impairing symptomsCase-by-case specialist assessment. Sudden onset of biliary colic unlikely
K 85–86 Pancreatitis Likelihood of recurrence

T – Until resolved

P – If recurrent or alcohol related, unless confirmed abstention

Case-by-case assessment based on specialist reports
Y 83 Stoma (ileostomy, colostomy) Impairment if control is lost – need for bags etc. Potential problems during prolonged emergency

T – Until investigated, good control and compliance with treatment.

P – Poorly controlled

Case-by-case assessment
N 00, N 17 Acute nephritis Renal failure, hypertensionP – Until resolvedCase-by-case assessment if any residual effects

N 03–05,

N 18–19

Sub-acute or chronic nephritis or nephrosis Renal failure, hypertensionT – Until investigatedCase-by-case assessment by specialist based on renal function and likelihood of complications
N 20–23

Renal or ureteric calculus

Pain from renal colic

T –Until investigated to confirm no likelihood of symptoms affecting safe work

P – In severe cases of recurrent stone formation

Case-by-case assessment
N 33, N40 Prostatic enlargement/urinary obstruction Acute retention of urineT – Until investigated and treated P – If not remediableCase-by-case assessment
N 70–98 Gynaecological conditions – Heavy vaginal bleeding, severe menstrual pain, endometriosis, prolapse of genital organs or other Impairment from pain or bleedingT – If impairing or investigation needed to determine cause and remedy itCase-by-case assessment if condition is likely to require treatment on voyage or affect working capacity

R 31, 80, 81,


Proteinuria. haematuria, glycosuria, or other urinary abnormality Indicator of kidney or other diseases

T–If initial findings clinically significant

P– Serious and non-remediable underlying cause – e.g. impairment of kidney function

Very low likelihood of serious underlying condition
Z 90.5 Removal of kidney or one non- functioning kidney Limits to fluid regulation under extreme conditions if remaining kidney not fully functionalP – Any reduction of function in remaining kidney in new deck crew member. Significant dysfunction in remaining kidney of serving deck crew memberRemaining kidney must be fully functional and not liable to progressive disease, based on renal investigations and specialist report
O 00–99 Pregnancy Complications, late limitations on mobility. Potential for harm to mother and child in the event of premature delivery at work

T –Decision to be in accord with national legislation

Abnormality of pregnancy requiring high level of surveillance

Uncomplicated pregnancy with no impairing effects: Decisions to be in accord with national practice and legislation
L00–99 SKIN
L 00–08 Skin infections Recurrence, transmission to othersT – If symptoms affecting safe work P – Consider for deck crew members with recurrent problemsBased on nature and severity of infection
L10–99 Other skin diseases, e.g. eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis Recurrence, sometimes occupational causeT – If symptoms affecting safe workCase-by-case decision, restricted as appropriate if aggravated by heat, or substances at work
M 10–23 Osteoarthritis, other joint diseases and subsequent joint replacement Pain and mobility limitation affecting normal or emergency duties. Possibility of infection or dislocation and limited life of replacement joints

T – Full recovery of function and confirmation by formal assessment of a specialist required before return to work after hip or knee replacement

P – For advanced and severe cases

Case-by-case assessment. Able to fully meet routine and emergency duty requirements with very low likelihood of worsening such that duties could not be undertaken
M 24.4

Recurrent instability of shoulder or knee joints

Sudden limitation of mobility, with pain

T – Until sufficient recovery and stability of joint functionCase-by-case assessment of occasional instability
M 54.5

Back pain

Pain and mobility limitation affecting normal or emergency duties. Exacerbation of impairment

T – In acute stage

P – If recurrent or incapacitating

Case-by-case assessment

Y 83.4

Z 97.1

Limb prosthesis

Mobility limitation affecting normal or emergency duties

P – If essential duties cannot be performed

If routine and emergency duties can be performed, limitations specific non- essential activities are allowed.

Restriction 03*** may be indicated

R 47, F 80 Speech disorders Limitations to communication abilityP — Incompatible with reliable performance of routine and emergency duties safely or effectivelyNo impairment to essential speech communication

T 78

Z 88

Allergies (other than allergic dermatitis and asthma) Likelihood to recurrence and increasing severity of response.

Reduced ability to perform duties

T –Until no symptoms affecting safe work

P – If life-threatening response reasonably foreseeable

Where response is impairing rather than life-threatening, and effects can be fully controlled by long-term non-steroidal self-medication or by lifestyle

modifications that are practicable at work with no safety critical adverse effects

Z 94

Transplants – kidney, heart, lung, liver (for prosthetics,

i.e. joints, limbs, lenses, hearing aids, heart valves, etc., see condition specific sections) Possibility of rejection. Side effects of medication

T – Until effects of surgery and anti- rejection medication stable

P – Case-by-case assessment and confirmation by formal assessment of a specialist

Case-by-case assessment with specialist advice.

Fit with a time limitation of one year

Classify by condition

Progressive conditions which are currently within criteria, e.g.

Huntington’s chorea (including family history), keratoconus

T – Until investigated and treated if indicated

P – If harmful progression is likely

Case-by-case assessment, with specialist advice. Such conditions are acceptable if harmful progression before next medical check-up is judged unlikely
Classify by condition Conditions not specifically listed

T – Until investigated and treated if indicated

P – If permanently impairing

Use analogy with related conditions as a guide. Consider excess likelihood of sudden incapacity, of recurrence or progression and limitations on performing normal and emergency duties. If in doubt obtain advice or consider restriction and referral to referee.
Appendix 1 Relevant vision criteria as meant under diagnostic code H 0059
Minimum eyesight criteria:
1. Daytime visual acuity:

Acuity of both eyes together or of the better eye with or without correction greater than or equal to 0.8. Monocular vision is accepted.

Manifest double vision (motility) which cannot be corrected is not accepted. In the event of monocular vision: normal motility of the good eye.

Restriction 01*** may be indicated.

2. Eyesight at dawn and dusk:

To be tested in case of glaucoma retinal disorders or media opacities (e.g. cataract). Contrast sensitivity at 0.032 cd/m2 in the Absence of glare; test result 1:2.7 or better as tested with the mesotest.

3. Field of view:

The horizontal visual field shall be at least 120 degrees. The extension shall be at least 50 degrees left and right and 20 degrees up and down. No defects shall be present within a radius of the central 20 degrees.

At least one eye shall meet the visual acuity standard and have the visual field without pathological scotomata. Formal testing by an eye doctor is mandatory if any abnormalities are found during the initial test or in case of glaucoma or retinal dystrophy.

4. Colour sense for deck crew members with navigational duties:

The colour sense is considered to be adequate if the candidate passes the Ishihara 24 plate edition test with a maximum of two mistakes. If the candidate does not pass this test, one of the mentioned approved alternative tests have to be performed. In case of doubt, a test with an anomaloscope shall be performed. The anomaloscope quotient shall be between 0.7 and 1.4 and thus exhibit normal trichromacy.

The approved alternative tests to the Ishihara plates are:


Velhagen/Broschmann (result with a maximum of two mistakes);


Kuchenbecker-Broschmann (maximum of two mistakes);


HRR (minimum result ‘mild’);


TMC (minimum result ‘second degree’);


Holmes Wright B (result with a maximum of 8 errors for small);


Farnsworth Panel D 15 test (minimum result: maximum one diametrical crossing in the plot of the arrangement of colours);


Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test (result with a maximum of four CAD units).

Holders of boatmaster’s certificates issued in accordance with Council Directive 96/50/EC(1) whose anomaloscope quotient for colour sense is between 0,7 and 3,0 are deemed fit if their certificate has been issued before 1 April 2004.

The use of filter glass optical correction for colour sense, such as tinted contact lenses and glasses, is not allowed.

Appendix 2 Relevant hearing criteria as meant under diagnostic code H 68-95
Minimum hearing criteria

Hearing shall be deemed adequate if the average value of the hearing loss in both ears, with or without hearing aid, does not exceed 40 dB at the frequencies 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 Hz. If the value of 40 dB is exceeded, hearing shall nonetheless be deemed adequate if a hearing test with an audiometer which complies with ISO 8253-1:2010 or equivalent is passed.

Restriction 02*** may be indicated.


Council Directive 96/50/EC of 23 July 1996 on the harmonization of the conditions for obtaining national boatmasters’ certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway in the Community (OJ L 235, 17.9.1996, p. 31).

Yn ôl i’r brig


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Gwreiddiol (Fel y’i mabwysiadwyd gan yr UE): Mae'r wreiddiol version of the legislation as it stood when it was first adopted in the EU. No changes have been applied to the text.


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