Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDangos y teitl llawn

Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the award of concession contracts (Text with EEA relevance)

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Pa Fersiwn


Mae hon yn eitem o ddeddfwriaeth sy’n deillio o’r UE

Mae unrhyw newidiadau sydd wedi cael eu gwneud yn barod gan y tîm yn ymddangos yn y cynnwys a chyfeirir atynt gydag anodiadau.Ar ôl y diwrnod ymadael bydd tair fersiwn o’r ddeddfwriaeth yma i’w gwirio at ddibenion gwahanol. Y fersiwn yw’r fersiwn sy’n weithredol yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Y Fersiwn UE sydd ar EUR-lex ar hyn o bryd yw’r fersiwn sy’n weithredol yn yr UE h.y. efallai y bydd arnoch angen y fersiwn hon os byddwch yn gweithredu busnes yn yr UE.

Y fersiwn yn yr archif ar y we yw’r fersiwn swyddogol o’r ddeddfwriaeth fel yr oedd ar y diwrnod ymadael cyn cael ei chyhoeddi ar ac unrhyw newidiadau ac effeithiau a weithredwyd yn y Deyrnas Unedig wedyn. Mae’r archif ar y we hefyd yn cynnwys cyfraith achos a ffurfiau mewn ieithoedd eraill o EUR-Lex.


Dyma’r fersiwn wreiddiol (fel y’i gwnaed yn wreiddiol).

Section II Exclusions

Article 10Exclusions applicable to concessions awarded by contracting authorities and contracting entities

1.This Directive shall not apply to services concessions awarded to a contracting authority or to a contracting entity as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) or to an association thereof on the basis of an exclusive right.

This Directive shall not apply to services concessions awarded to an economic operator on the basis of an exclusive right which has been granted in accordance with the TFEU and Union legal acts laying down common rules on access to the market applicable to activities referred to in Annex II.

2.By way of derogation from the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article, where Union sectoral legislation referred to in that subparagraph does not provide for sector-specific transparency obligations, Article 32 shall apply.

Where a Member State grants an exclusive right to an economic operator for the exercise of one of the activities referred to in Annex II, it shall inform the Commission thereof within one month after the award of that exclusive right.

3.This Directive shall not apply to concessions for air transport services based on the granting of an operating licence within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council(1) or to concessions for public passenger transport services within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007.

4.This Directive shall not apply to concessions which the contracting authority or contracting entity is obliged to award or organise in accordance with procedures different from those laid down in this Directive established by any of the following:

(a)a legal instrument creating international law obligations, such as an international agreement concluded in conformity with the TFEU between a Member State and one or more third countries or subdivisions thereof and covering works, supplies or services intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by their signatories;

(b)an international organisation.

This Directive shall not apply to concessions which the contracting authority or contracting entity awards in accordance with procurement rules provided by an international organisation or international financing institution, where the concessions concerned are fully financed by that organisation or institution. In the case of concessions co-financed for the most part by an international organisation or international financing institution, the parties shall agree on applicable procurement procedures.

The Member States shall communicate all legal instruments referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee on Public Procurement referred to in Article 50.

This paragraph shall not apply to concessions in the fields of defence and security as referred to in Directive 2009/81/EC.

5.This Directive shall not apply to concessions in the fields of defence and security as referred to in Directive 2009/81/EC, which are governed by:

(a)specific procedural rules pursuant to an international agreement or arrangement concluded between one or more Member States and one or more third countries;

(b)specific procedural rules pursuant to a concluded international agreement or arrangement relating to the stationing of troops and concerning the undertakings of a Member State or a third country;

(c)specific procedural rules of an international organisation purchasing for its purposes, or to concessions which must be awarded by a Member State in accordance with those rules.

6.This Directive shall apply to the awarding of concessions in the fields of defence and security as referred to in Directive 2009/81/EC with the exception of the following:

(a)concessions for which the application of this Directive would oblige a Member State to supply information the disclosure of which it considers contrary to the essential interests of its security; or where the procurement and performance of the concession are declared to be secret or must be accompanied by special security measures in accordance with the laws, regulations or administrative provisions in force in a Member State provided that the Member State has determined that the essential interests concerned cannot be guaranteed by less intrusive measures, such as those referred to in paragraph 7;

(b)concessions awarded in the framework of a cooperative programme referred to in point (c) of Article 13 of Directive 2009/81/EC;

(c)concessions awarded by a government to another government relating to works and services directly linked to military equipment or sensitive equipment, or works and services specifically for military purposes, or sensitive works and sensitive services;

(d)concessions awarded in a third country, carried out when forces are deployed outside the territory of the Union where operational needs require those concessions to be concluded with economic operators located in the area of operations; and

(e)concessions otherwise exempted under this Directive.

7.This Directive shall not apply to concessions not otherwise exempted under paragraph 6 to the extent that the protection of the essential security interests of a Member State cannot be guaranteed by less intrusive measures, for instance by imposing requirements aimed at protecting the confidential nature of information which the contracting authority or contracting entity makes available in a concession award procedure as provided for in this Directive.

8.This Directive shall not apply to service concessions for:

(a)the acquisition or rental, by whatever financial means, of land, existing buildings or other immovable property or concerning rights thereon;

(b)the acquisition, development, production or co-production of programme material intended for audiovisual media services or radio media services, that are awarded by audiovisual or radio media service providers, or concessions for broadcasting time or programme provision, that are awarded to audiovisual or radio media service providers. For the purposes of this point, ‘audiovisual media services’ and ‘media service providers’ shall, respectively, have the same meaning as in points (a) and (d) of Article 1(1) of Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council(2). ‘Programme’ shall have the same meaning as in point (b) Article 1(1) of that Directive, but shall also include radio programmes and radio programme materials. Furthermore, for the purposes of this provision, ‘programme material’ shall have the same meaning as ‘programme’;

(c)arbitration and conciliation services;

(d)any of the following legal services:


legal representation of a client by a lawyer within the meaning of Article 1 of Council Directive 77/249/EEC(3) in:

  • an arbitration or conciliation held in a Member State, a third country or before an international arbitration or conciliation instance, or

  • judicial proceedings before the courts, tribunals or public authorities of a Member State or a third country or before international courts, tribunals or institutions;


legal advice given in preparation of any of the proceedings referred to in point (i) of this point or where there is a tangible indication and high probability that the matter to which the advice relates will become the subject of such proceedings, provided that the advice is given by a lawyer within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 77/249/EEC;


document certification and authentication services which must be provided by notaries;


legal services provided by trustees or appointed guardians or other legal services the providers of which are designated by a court or tribunal in the Member State concerned or are designated by law to carry out specific tasks under the supervision of such tribunals or courts;


other legal services which in the Member State concerned are connected, even occasionally, with the exercise of official authority;

(e)financial services in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financial instruments within the meaning of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(4), central bank services and operations conducted with the European Financial Stability Facility and the European Stability Mechanism;

(f)loans, whether or not in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financial instruments;

(g)civil defence, civil protection, and danger prevention services that are provided by non-profit organisations or associations, and which are covered by CPV codes: 75250000-3, 75251000-0, 75251100-1, 75251110-4, 75251120-7, 75252000-7, 75222000-8, 98113100-9 and 85143000-3 except patient transport ambulance services;

(h)political campaign services, which are covered by CPV codes 79341400-0, 92111230-3 and 92111240-6, when awarded by a political party in the context of an election campaign.

9.This Directive shall not apply to service concessions for lottery services, which are covered by CPV code 92351100-7, awarded by a Member State to an economic operator on the basis of an exclusive right. For the purpose of this paragraph, the notion of exclusive right does not cover exclusive rights as referred to in Article 7(2).

The grant of such an exclusive right shall be subject to publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

10.This Directive shall not apply to concessions awarded by contracting entities for the pursuit of their activities in a third country, in conditions not involving the physical use of a network or geographical area within the Union.

Article 11Specific exclusions in the field of electronic communications

This Directive shall not apply to concessions for the principal purpose of permitting the contracting authorities to provide or exploit public communications networks, or to provide to the public one or more electronic communications services.

For the purposes of this Article, ‘public communications network’ and ‘electronic communications service’ shall have the same meaning as in Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(5).

Article 12Specific exclusions in the field of water

1.This Directive shall not apply to concessions awarded to:

(a)provide or operate fixed networks intended to provide a service to the public in connection with the production, transport or distribution of drinking water;

(b)supply drinking water to such networks.

2.This Directive shall also not apply to concessions with one, or both of the following subject-matters when they are connected with an activity referred to in paragraph 1:

(a)hydraulic engineering projects, irrigation or land drainage, provided that the volume of water to be used for the supply of drinking water represents more than 20 % of the total volume of water made available by such projects or irrigation or drainage installations; or

(b)the disposal or treatment of sewage.

Article 13Concessions awarded to an affiliated undertaking

1.For the purposes of this Article, ‘affiliated undertaking’ means any undertaking the annual accounts of which are consolidated with those of the contracting entity in accordance with the requirements of the Directive 2013/34/EU.

2.In the case of entities, which are not subject to Directive 2013/34/EU, ‘affiliated undertaking’ shall mean any undertaking that:

(a)may be, directly or indirectly, subject to a dominant influence by the contracting entity;

(b)may exercise a dominant influence over the contracting entity; or

(c)in common with the contracting entity, is subject to the dominant influence of another undertaking by virtue of ownership, financial participation, or the rules which govern it.

For the purposes of this paragraph, ‘dominant influence’ shall have the same meaning as in the second subparagraph of Article 7(4).

3.Notwithstanding Article 17 and provided that the conditions in paragraph 4 of this Article are met, this Directive shall not apply to concessions awarded:

(a)by a contracting entity to an affiliated undertaking; or

(b)by a joint venture, formed exclusively by a number of contracting entities for the purpose of carrying out activities referred to in Annex II, to an undertaking which is affiliated with one of those contracting entities.

4.Paragraph 3 shall apply to:

(a)service concessions provided that at least 80 % of the average total turnover of the affiliated undertaking over the preceding three years, taking into account all services provided by that undertaking, derives from the provision of services to the contracting entity or other undertakings with which it is affiliated;

(b)works concessions provided that at least 80 % of the average total turnover of the affiliated undertaking over the preceding three years taking into account all works provided by that undertaking, derives from the provision of works to the contracting entity or other undertakings with which it is affiliated.

5.Where, because of the date on which an affiliated undertaking was created or commenced activities, the turnover is not available for the preceding three years, it shall be sufficient for that undertaking to show that the turnover referred to in points (a) or (b) of paragraph 4 is credible, in particular by means of business projections.

6.Where more than one undertaking affiliated with the contracting entity with which they form an economic group provides the same or similar services or works, the percentages referred to in paragraph 4 shall be calculated taking into account the total turnover deriving respectively from the provision of services or works by those affiliated undertakings.

Article 14Concessions awarded to a joint venture or to a contracting entity forming part of a joint venture

Notwithstanding Article 17, and provided that the joint venture has been set up in order to carry out the activity concerned over a period of at least three years and that the instrument setting up the joint venture stipulates that the contracting entities, which form it, will be part thereof for at least the same period, this Directive shall not apply to concessions awarded by any of the following:


a joint venture, formed exclusively by a number of contracting entities for the purpose of carrying out activities referred to in Annex II, to one of these contracting entities; or


a contracting entity to such a joint venture of which it forms part.

Article 15Notification of information by contracting entities

Contracting entities shall notify to the Commission, if so requested, the following information regarding the application of Article 13(2) and (3) and Article 14:


the names of the undertakings or joint ventures concerned;


the nature and value of the concessions involved;


proof, deemed necessary by the Commission, that the relationship between the undertaking or joint venture to which the concessions are awarded and the contracting entity complies with the requirements of Article 13 or Article 14.

Article 16Exclusion of activities which are directly exposed to competition

This Directive shall not apply to concessions awarded by contracting entities where, for the Member State in which such concessions are to be performed, it has been established pursuant to Article 35 of Directive 2014/25/EU that the activity is directly exposed to competition in accordance with Article 34 of that Directive.

Article 17Concessions between entities within the public sector

1.A concession awarded by a contracting authority or a contracting entity as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) to a legal person governed by private or public law shall fall outside the scope of this Directive where all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a)the contracting authority or contracting entity exercises over the legal person concerned a control which is similar to that which it exercises over its own departments;

(b)more than 80 % of the activities of the controlled legal person are carried out in the performance of tasks entrusted to it by the controlling contracting authority or contracting entity or by other legal persons controlled by that contracting authority or contracting entity; and

(c)there is no direct private capital participation in the controlled legal person with the exception of non-controlling and non-blocking forms of private capital participation required by national legislative provisions, in conformity with the Treaties, which do not exert a decisive influence on the controlled legal person.

A contracting authority or contracting entity as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) shall be deemed to exercise over a legal person a control similar to that which it exercises over its own departments within the meaning of point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, where it exercises a decisive influence over both strategic objectives and significant decisions of the controlled legal person. That control may also be exercised by another legal person, which is itself controlled in the same way by the contracting authority or contracting entity.

2.Paragraph 1 also applies where a controlled legal person which is a contracting authority or contracting entity as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) awards a concession to its controlling contracting authority or contracting entity, or to another legal person controlled by the same contracting authority or contracting entity, provided that there is no direct private capital participation in the legal person being awarded the concession with the exception of non-controlling and non-blocking forms of private capital participation required by national legislative provisions, in conformity with the Treaties, which do not exert a decisive influence on the controlled legal person.

3.A contracting authority or a contracting entity as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1), which does not exercise over a legal person governed by private or public law control within the meaning of paragraph 1 of this Article, may nevertheless award a concession to that legal person without applying this Directive where all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a)the contracting authority or contracting entity as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) exercises jointly with other contracting authorities or contracting entities a control over that legal person which is similar to that which they exercise over their own departments;

(b)more than 80 % of the activities of that legal person are carried out in the performance of tasks entrusted to it by the controlling contracting authorities or contracting entities or by other legal persons controlled by the same contracting authorities or contracting entities; and

(c)there is no direct private capital participation in the controlled legal person with the exception of non-controlling and non-blocking forms of private capital participation required by national legislative provisions, in conformity with the Treaties, which do not exert a decisive influence on the controlled legal person.

For the purposes of point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, contracting authorities or contracting entities as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) exercise joint control over a legal person where all of the following conditions are fulfilled:


the decision-making bodies of the controlled legal person are composed of representatives of all participating contracting authorities or contracting entities. Individual representatives may represent several or all of the participating contracting authorities or contracting entities;


those contracting authorities or contracting entities are able to jointly exert decisive influence over the strategic objectives and significant decisions of the controlled legal person; and


the controlled legal person does not pursue any interests which are contrary to those of the controlling contracting authorities or contracting entities.

4.A contract concluded exclusively between two or more contracting authorities or contracting entities as referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) shall fall outside the scope of this Directive where all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a)the contract establishes or implements a cooperation between the participating contracting authorities or contracting entities with the aim of ensuring that public services they have to perform are provided with a view to achieving objectives they have in common;

(b)the implementation of that cooperation is governed solely by considerations relating to the public interest; and

(c)the participating contracting authorities or contracting entities perform on the open market less than 20 % of the activities concerned by the cooperation;

5.For the determination of the percentage of activities referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, point (b) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 and point (c) of paragraph 4, the average total turnover or an appropriate alternative activity based measure such as costs incurred by the relevant legal person, contracting authority or contracting entity as referred to point (a) of Article 7(1) with respect to services, supplies and works for the three years preceding the concession award shall be taken into consideration.

Where, because of the date on which the relevant legal person, contracting authority or contracting entity was created or commenced activities or because of a reorganisation of its activities, the turnover, or alternative activity based measure such as costs, are either not available for the preceding three years or no longer relevant, it shall be sufficient to show that the measurement of activity is credible, particularly by means of business projections.


Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the Community (OJ L 293, 31.10.2008, p. 3).


Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media Services Directive) (OJ L 95, 15.4.2010, p. 1).


Council Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 to facilitate the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to provide services (OJ L 78, 26.3.1977, p. 17).


Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments amending Council Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC (OJ L 145, 30.4.2004, p. 1).


Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Framework Directive) (OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 33).

Yn ôl i’r brig


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