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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1998 numbered between 1300 and 1399 has returned 46 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Food Labelling (Amendment) Regulations 19981998 No. 1398UK Statutory Instruments
    The Occupational Pension Schemes (Contracting-out) (Amount Required for Restoring State Scheme Rights and Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 19981998 No. 1397UK Statutory Instruments
    The Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 19981998 No. 1396UK Statutory Instruments
    The Restrictive Trade Practices (Standards) (Goods) Order 19981998 No. 1395UK Statutory Instruments
    The Restrictive Trade Practices (Standards) (Services) Order 19981998 No. 1394UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Claims and Payments) Amendment Regulations 19981998 No. 1381UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemptions) (Combined Fire Authorities Etc.) Order 19981998 No. 1380UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Student Amounts Amendment) Regulations 19981998 No. 1379UK Statutory Instruments
    The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulations 19981998 No. 1377UK Statutory Instruments
    The Plastic Materials and Articles in Contact with Food Regulations 19981998 No. 1376UK Statutory Instruments
    The Value Added Tax (Reduced Rate) Order 19981998 No. 1375UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fisheries and Aquaculture Structure (Grants) Amendment Regulations 19981998 No. 1365 (S. 69)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations 19981998 No. 1357UK Statutory Instruments
    The Enforcement of Road Traffic Debts (Certificated Bailiffs) (Amendment) Regulations 19981998 No. 1351 (L. 1)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Surface Waters (Dangerous Substances) (Classification) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 19981998 No. 1344 (S. 68)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Secure Training Centres (Escorts) (Amendment) Rules 19981998 No. 1343UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) Order 19981998 No. 1342UK Statutory Instruments
    The Queen Mary’s Sidcup National Health Service Trust (Establishment) Amendment Order 19981998 No. 1341UK Statutory Instruments
    The Railways Regulations 19981998 No. 1340UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government Changes for England (Disability Statements) Regulations 19981998 No. 1339UK Statutory Instruments

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