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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1996 numbered between 1400 and 1499 has returned 68 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Food Labelling Regulations 19961996 No. 1499UK Statutory Instruments
    The Dental Qualifications (Recognition) Regulations 19961996 No. 1496UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Aviation (Route Charges for Navigation Services) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1495UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1494UK Statutory Instruments
    The European Parliamentary (United Kingdom Representatives) Pensions (Amendment) Order 19961996 No. 1493UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 4) Order 19961996 No. 1492UK Statutory Instruments
    The A19 Trunk Road (A19/A64 Fulford Interchange Improvement) Order 19961996 No. 1491UK Statutory Instruments
    The Suckler Cow Premium (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1488UK Statutory Instruments
    The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1487UK Statutory Instruments
    The Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1486UK Statutory Instruments
    The Exchange Gains and Losses (Insurance Companies) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 19961996 No. 1485UK Statutory Instruments
    The Manchester Ship Canal (Bridgewater Canal) Act 1907 (Amendment) Order 19961996 No. 1484UK Statutory Instruments
    The Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 19961996 No. 1483UK Statutory Instruments
    The Arable Area Payments (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1482UK Statutory Instruments
    The Countryside Stewardship (Amendment) (Extension to the Isles of Scilly) Regulations 19961996 No. 1481UK Statutory Instruments
    The Habitat (Water Fringe) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1480UK Statutory Instruments
    The Habitat (Salt-Marsh) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1479UK Statutory Instruments
    The Habitat (Former Set-Aside Land) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1478UK Statutory Instruments
    The Sweeteners in Food (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1477UK Statutory Instruments
    The Overseas Service (Pensions Supplement) (Amendment) Regulations 19961996 No. 1476UK Statutory Instruments

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