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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1975 numbered between 1400 and 1499 has returned 63 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Bread Prices (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 19751975 No. 1499UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fixed Penalty (Procedure) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19751975 No. 1498UK Statutory Instruments
    The Exchange Control (Authorised Dealers and Depositaries) (Amendment) Order 19751975 No. 1495UK Statutory Instruments
    The Road Vehicles Lighting (Standing Vehicles) (Exemption) (General) Regulations 19751975 No. 1494UK Statutory Instruments
    The Import Duties (General) (No. 4) Order 19751975 No. 1492UK Statutory Instruments
    The Value Added Tax (Imported Goods) Relief Order 19751975 No. 1491UK Statutory Instruments
    The Colouring Matter in Food (Amendment) Regulations 19751975 No. 1488UK Statutory Instruments
    The Preservatives in Food Regulations 19751975 No. 1487UK Statutory Instruments
    The Emulsifiers and Stabilisers in Food Regulations 19751975 No. 1486UK Statutory Instruments
    The Miscellaneous Additives in Food (Amendment) Regulations 19751975 No. 1485UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fluorine in Food (Amendment) Regulations 19751975 No. 1484UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Retail Furnishing and Allied Trades) Order 19751975 No. 1482UK Statutory Instruments
    The GKN Tremorfa Works Light Railway Order 19751975 No. 1480UK Statutory Instruments
    The Road Traffic Act 1974 (Commencement No. 6) Order 19751975 No. 1479 (C. 44)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Pensions Increase (Compensation to Staff of Teachers' Training Establishments) Regulations 19751975 No. 1478UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agricultural or Forestry Tractors (Type Approval) Regulations 19751975 No. 1475UK Statutory Instruments
    The Police (Disposal of Property) Regulations 19751975 No. 1474UK Statutory Instruments
    The Medicines (Committee on Dental and Surgical Materials) Order 19751975 No. 1473UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 19751975 No. 1471UK Statutory Instruments
    The Register of Patent Agents (Amendment) Rules 19751975 No. 1467UK Statutory Instruments

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