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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1950-1959 numbered between 100 and 199 has returned 25 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Superannuation (Polish Education Committee and Civil Services) Transfer Rules,19591959 No. 191UK Statutory Instruments
    The public Record Office (Fees) Order,19591959 No. 181UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agriculture (Miscellaneous Time-Limits) Regulations 19591959 No. 171UK Statutory Instruments
    The Copyright Act, 1956 (Transitional Extension) Order 19591959 No. 103UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments (Pakistan) Order 19581958 No. 141UK Statutory Instruments
    The Petroleum-Spirit (Conveyance by Road) Regulations 19571957 No. 191UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 11) Regulations 19571957 No. 156UK Statutory Instruments
    The Visiting Forces Act (Application to Colonies) (Amendment) Order,19571957 No. 103UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (United States of Mexico) Order 19551955 No. 161UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (Kingdom of Greece) Order 19551955 No. 160UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (French Republic) Order 19551955 No. 159UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (Kingdom of Sweden) Order 19551955 No. 158UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (United States of America) Order 19551955 No. 157UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (Kingdom of Norway) Order 19551955 No. 156UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 6) Regulations 19541954 No. 155UK Statutory Instruments
    The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Greece) Order 19541954 No. 142UK Statutory Instruments
    The Railway Clearing House Scheme Order 19541954 No. 139UK Statutory Instruments
    The Merchant Shipping (Confirmation of Legislation) (Federation of Malaya) Order 19531953 No. 195UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies) (Isle of Man) Order 19521952 No. 166UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies) (Channel Islands) Order 19521952 No. 165UK Statutory Instruments

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