Explanatory Notes

Welfare Reform Act 2012

2012 CHAPTER 5

8 March 2012

Commentary on Sections

Part 3: Other benefit changes

Section 67: Restriction on new claims for industrial death benefit

335.Section 67 means that no claims can be made for Industrial Death Benefit (IDB) from the commencement date.

336.At present IDB is paid to widows or widowers in respect of industrial deaths occurring before 10 April 1988. Claims in respect of deaths in general after this date are paid under the Bereavement Benefit (BB) provisions. From the commencement date this section means claims for deaths due to industrial causes before 10 April 1988 will be considered under the BB legislation.

337.It is many years since any such claims have been made for IDB. New claims are now extremely unlikely as the death would have had to occur before 1988.