

PART 2Notifications to the placing authority in relation to a child who is looked after by a local authority and to a parent or carer in relation to other individuals

33.  Any abuse or allegation of abuse in relation to the individual that involves the provider or a member of staff.

34.  Serious accident or injury to the individual.

35.  Any occurrence of category 3 or 4 pressure damage or an unstageable pressure damage sustained by the individual.

36.  The outbreak of any infectious disease.

37.  Any incident reported to the police relating to the individual.

38.  The death of the individual while accommodated by the service and the circumstances.

39.  An allegation that the individual has committed a serious offence while accommodated by the service.

40.  Any incident where the individual goes missing or has an unexplained absence while accommodated at the service.

41.  Any record of control or restraint in relation to the individual which is required under regulation 51 and paragraph 5(g) of Schedule 2.

42.  Instigation and subsequent outcome of any child or adult protection enquiry concerning the individual in relation to events which occurred while the individual was accommodated at the service.

43.  Any incident of sexual or criminal exploitation or suspected sexual or criminal exploitation of the individual.