
SCHEDULEAmendment of the Tuberculosis (Wales) Order 2010

6.  After article 13 (pre-movement testing) insert—

Post-movement testing

13A.(1) There are three tuberculosis areas in Wales, which are the—

(a)low TB area;

(b)intermediate TB area;

(c)high TB area.

(2) When a bovine animal is moved into the low TB area from a herd located in—

(a)the intermediate TB area;

(b)the high TB area;

(c)England; or

(d)Northern Ireland,

the keeper who receives the animal must arrange for a post-movement test to be undertaken on it by an approved veterinary surgeon no fewer than 60 days, but no more than 120 days, after the date of arrival at the receiving premises.

(3) Paragraph (2) does not apply to—

(a)bovine animals that are slaughtered within 120 days of arrival at the receiving premises;

(b)the movement of a bovine animal to a place for veterinary treatment provided that it is returned direct to its premises of origin after the treatment, or is killed or goes direct to slaughter;

(c)any movements specified in Schedule 3; and

(d)any movement that is approved by the Welsh Ministers.

(4) Where a bovine animal is required to have a post-movement test under paragraph (2), no person may move that animal from the receiving premises until the skin test has been completed with a negative result unless the move is—

(a)directly (or via a slaughter gathering) to slaughter;

(b)to an approved finishing unit; or

(c)made under the authority of a movement licence issued by an inspector.

(5) Where a bovine animal is required to have a post-movement test, but remains untested after 120 days since arrival at the receiving premises—

(a)the test will be treated by the Welsh Ministers as overdue; and

(b)an inspector must impose movement restrictions on all bovine animals on the premises until the overdue post-movement test has been completed with negative results.

(6) The post-movement test must be arranged with an approved veterinary surgeon at the expense of the keeper of the bovine animal unless a test for tuberculosis has been instructed by the Welsh Ministers in accordance with article 12(1) to take place within the period mentioned in paragraph (2).