The Marine Licensing (Fees) (Wales) Regulations 2017

Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 1Application Bands and Fees

1.  The bands and the fees are as follows—

Band and description of applicationFee for determining the application
Band 1

Any application relating to:


repair or replacement of bolts, flaps, valves, decking on a pier or pontoon;


removal of marine growth and guano from any building or structure or any part thereof;


the installation of ladders at any building or structure;


the deposit and subsequent removal of posts for the purposes of marking channels, shallow water areas, outfalls and groynes;


the deposit and subsequent removal of marker buoys;


the use of a vehicle or vessel to remove discrete pieces of minor debris unattached to the seabed (including poles, girders, joists and objects of a similar minor nature) associated with construction, demolition, damage or disrepair of a building or structure;


the removal of litter using a vehicle or vessel; or


any activity of a similar minor nature.

Band 2
Any application which does not fall, or does not fall exclusively, within the descriptions in Band 1 and relates to a specified activity.£1,920
Band 3
Any application which does not fall, or does not fall exclusively, within the descriptions in Band 1 or Band 2.A fee calculated at s rate of £120 per hour

2.  In paragraph 1, subject to the exception at paragraph 3, “specified activity” (“gweithgaredd penodedig”) means any activity falling within one or more of the following—

(a)item 1 (deposits within the UK marine licensing area etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act;

(b)item 7 (construction, alteration or improvement of works etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act;

(c)item 8 (use of vehicle, vessel, aircraft, marine structure or floating container to remove substances etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act: or

(d)item 9 (to carry out any form of dredging etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act but only in so far as item 9 relates to maintenance dredging.

3.  Specified activity does not include—

(a)any activity to be carried out in the course of a project of a type specified in Annex I to Council Directive 2011/92/EU(1)on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment;

(b)any activity to be carried out in the course of a project of a type specified in Annex II to that Directive, if it is likely because of its size, nature or location to have significant effects on the environment;

(c)an activity with respect to which an environmental impact assessment is required by virtue of regulation 5 (requirement of assessment by agreement) of the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007(2);

(d)an activity that involves both items 7 and 9 described in paragraph 2(b) and (d);

(e)any activity or activities which has, or, in the case of more than one activity taken together have, an estimated cost of more than £1,000,000.


OJ L 26, 28.1.2012, p.1.