The Care and Support (Charging) (Wales) Regulations 2015

Maximum weekly contribution or reimbursement for non-residential care and support

22.—(1) Except where the care and support in respect of which direct payments are made consists of provision of care and accommodation in a care home, and subject to paragraph (2) of this regulation, a local authority may not determine that it is reasonably practicable for B to make a contribution or a reimbursement greater than £60 per week towards the cost of the care and support.

(2) When calculating the maximum reasonable amount that B may be required to pay, a local authority—

(a)must disregard the cost of securing any care and support for which it imposes a flat-rate charge, and

(b)may impose the charges in respect of such a service in addition to the maximum weekly contribution or reimbursement.

(3) Where B receives a direct payment to enable the purchase of equipment, which would otherwise be provided by a local authority, the local authority—

(a)must disregard the cost of the equipment when calculating the maximum weekly contribution or reimbursement that B may be required to pay, and

(b)may require B to pay an amount in addition to the maximum weekly contribution or reimbursement towards the cost of securing the equipment.