PART 3Transitional provisions

Designation of qualifications

10.—(1) This article applies in respect of the forms of qualification which, on 21 September 2015, are listed on the Database as “live” (in the “Status” field) except those which are listed in the Schedule.

(2) From 21 September 2015, the forms of qualification are to be treated as though they have been designated by Qualifications Wales under section 29 of the Act.

(3) Each section 29 designation by virtue of paragraph (2) is to be treated as if Qualifications Wales had under section 30(1) specified—

(a)21 September 2015 as the date from which the designation is to have effect, and

(b)the earlier of the following dates as the date with the expiry of which the designation ceases to have effect—

(i)the review date indicated for the form of qualification on the Database on 21 September 2015;

(ii)31 August 2018.