

Procedure for federation - small schools

11.—(1) Where a local authority makes a proposal under section 11 of the 2011 Measure that involves only the federation of small schools the published proposals must contain the following—

(a)the name or names of the governing body or bodies which the local authority is proposing to federate;

(b)the proposed size of the governing body of the federation;

(c)the proposed number of governors for each category of governor;

(d)the proposed arrangements for staffing the schools within the federation;

(e)the proposed federation date;

(f)the identity of the admission authority or authorities for the schools within the federation;

(g)in the case of a proposal for a federation that includes a maintained school not maintained by the proposing local authority confirmation that the local authority that maintains the school in question has given its consent;

(h)in the case of a proposal that includes a foundation or voluntary school confirmation that the appropriate diocesan authority or the person or persons by whom the foundation governors are appointed (as the case may be) has given consent; and

(i)such other matters as the local authority considers appropriate.

(2) The local authority must publish the proposals by sending them to the governing body and school council of each small school that it intends to federate inviting a response from the governing body within 20 school days.

(3) The local authority must also send copies of the proposals to—

(a)any other relevant local authority;

(b)the head teacher of each school;

(c)in the case of any school with a foundation—

(i)the foundation governors; and

(ii)any trustees of a trust relating to the school; and

(d)where any of the schools are designated under section 69(3) of the 1998 Act as having a religious character, the appropriate diocesan authority in the case of a Church in Wales or Roman Catholic Church school, or the appropriate religious body in the case of any other such school.

(4) A copy of the proposals must be published on the local authority’s website.

(5) A copy of the proposals must be made available for inspection at all reasonable times at each school.

(6) The proposed federation date in paragraph (1)(e) must be not less than 100 days following the publication of the proposals for federation by the governing body pursuant to section 11 of the 2011 Measure.