Other case management powers

27.—(1) The tribunal may—

(a)reduce the time appointed by or under these Regulations for doing any act where all parties agree the reduction in question;

(b)extend the time appointed by or under these Regulations for doing any act, even if the time appointed has expired, where—

(i)it would not be reasonable to expect the person in question to comply or have complied within that time; or

(ii)not to extend the time would result in substantial injustice;

(c)permit the use of telephone, video link, or any other method of communication—

(i)to make representations to the tribunal; or

(ii)for the purposes of a case management conference or hearing;

(d)require any person giving written evidence to include with that evidence a signed statement that the person believes the facts stated in the evidence are true;

(e)take any other step or make any other decision which the tribunal considers necessary or desirable for the purpose of managing the case.

(2) The tribunal may exercise its powers under these Regulations in response to a request to do so or on its own initiative.

(3) A single qualified member of the panel may exercise the powers under this regulation as to any matter which is preliminary to—

(a)an oral hearing; or

(b)a determination which is to be made without an oral hearing.