1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Water standards

    1. 1.Title, application and commencement

    2. 2.Scope

    3. 3.Exemptions

    4. 4.Wholesomeness

    5. 5.Disinfection

    6. 6.Requirement to carry out a risk assessment

  3. PART 2 Monitoring

    1. 7.Monitoring

    2. 8.Further distribution of supplies from water undertakers or water supply licensees

    3. 9.Large supplies and supplies to commercial or public premises

    4. 10.Other private supplies

    5. 10A.Monitoring of radioactive substances: general

    6. 10B.Monitoring of radioactive substances: supplies to a single dwelling not used for a commercial or public activity

    7. 11.Sampling and analysis

    8. 12.Maintenance of records

    9. 13.Notification of information

  4. PART 3 Action in the event of failure

    1. 14.Provision of information

    2. 15.Investigation

    3. 16.Procedure following investigation

    4. 17.Authorisations of different standards

  5. PART 4 Notice procedure

    1. 18.Notices

    2. 19.Appeals

    3. 20.Penalties

  6. PART 5 Miscellaneous

    1. 21.Fees

    2. 22.Revocation

  7. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Concentrations or Values

      1. PART 1 Wholesomeness

      2. PART 2 Indicator Parameters

      3. PART 3 Radioactive substances parameters

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. PART 1 Check monitoring

        1. 1.Sampling

        2. 2.Frequency of sampling

      2. PART 2 Audit monitoring

        1. 3.Sampling

        2. 4.Frequency of sampling

      3. PART 3 Minimum frequency for both check monitoring and audit monitoring for water put into bottles or containers

    3. SCHEDULE 2A

      Monitoring of radioactive substances

      1. 1.Radon

      2. 2.Tritium

      3. 3.Indicative Dose

      4. 4.Water treatment

      5. 5.Averaging

    4. SCHEDULE 3

      Sampling and analysis

      1. PART 1 General

        1. 1.Samples: general

        2. 2.Analysing samples

        3. 3.Authorisation of alternative methods of analysis

        4. 4.Sampling and analysis by persons other than local authorities

      2. PART 2 Analytical methods

      3. PART 3 Monitoring for indicative dose and analytical performance characteristics

        1. 5.Monitoring for compliance with the indicative dose

        2. 6.The strategies referred to in paragraph 5 may include screening...

        3. 7.Screening for certain radionuclides, or screening for an individual radionuclide

        4. 8.A local authority must, in deciding which radionuclides require to...

        5. 9.Screening strategies for gross alpha activity and gross beta activity

        6. 10.If the gross alpha activity exceeds 0,1Bq/l or the gross...

        7. 11.The Welsh Ministers may set alternative screening levels for gross...

        8. 12.The radionuclides to be measured must be based on all...

        9. 12.Calculation of the indicative dose

        10. 13.Where the following formula is satisfied, it can be assumed...

        11. 14.Performance characteristics and methods of analysis

    5. SCHEDULE 4


      1. 1.Initial records

      2. 2.Additional records

    6. SCHEDULE 5


      1. 1.Fee

      2. 2.Persons liable to pay

  8. Explanatory Note