The Food for Particular Nutritional Uses (Addition of Substances for Specific Nutritional Purposes) (Wales) Regulations 2009

Regulations 2(1) and 3(1)

THE SCHEDULESpecified Provisions

Provision of the Commission RegulationSubject-matter
Article 2(1)Requirement that among the substances belonging to the categories appearing in the Annex to the Commission Regulation, only those listed in that Annex, complying with the relevant specifications as necessary may be added for specific nutritional purposes in the manufacture of foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses covered by Directive 2009/39 of the European Parliament and the Council on foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses(1).
Article 3(1)Requirement that the use of substances added for specific nutritional purposes will result in the manufacture of safe products that fulfil the particular nutritional requirements of the persons for whom they are intended, as established by generally accepted scientific data.
Article 3(2)Requirement that upon request by the Food Standards Agency, the manufacturer or, where appropriate, the importer will produce the scientific work and the data establishing that the use of the substances complies with Article 3(1) of the Commission Regulation. If such work and data are contained in a readily available publication, a mere reference to that publication will suffice.
Article 4(2)Requirement that purity criteria established by Community legislation which apply to the substances listed in the Annex to the Commission Regulation when they are used in the manufacture of foodstuffs for purposes other than those covered by the Commission Regulation will also apply to those substances when they are used for purposes covered by the Commission Regulation.
Article 4(3)Requirement that for substances listed in the Annex to the Commission Regulation for which purity criteria are not established by Community legislation, and until the adoption of such specifications, generally acceptable purity criteria recommended by international bodies will apply.

OJ No. L124, 20.5.2009, p.21.