SCHEDULE 6Specified risk material, mechanically recovered meat and slaughtering techniques

Young lamb and goat stamps11


An inspector may stamp a sheep or goat in a slaughterhouse with a young lamb stamp or a young goat stamp if the animal does not have a permanent incisor erupted through the gum and the documentation, if any, relating to the animal does not indicate that it is aged over 12 months at slaughter.


The stamp must mark the meat with a circular mark 5 centimetres in diameter with the following in capital letters 1 centimetre high–


“MHS”; and


in the case of a sheep, “YL”; or


in the case of a goat, “YG”.


It is an offence for any person other than an inspector to apply the stamp or a mark resembling the stamp, or to possess equipment for applying it.


It is an offence to mark a sheep or goat with a stamp that is or resembles a young lamb stamp or a young goat stamp unless it is an animal permitted to be marked in accordance with sub-paragraph (1).