The Local Authorities (Allowances for Members of Community Councils) (Wales) Regulations 2003

Travel and subsistence allowances

11.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a member shall be entitled to receive payments by way of travel allowance or subsistence allowance at rates determined each year by the authority where expenditure on travel or subsistence is necessarily incurred by that member in the performance of an approved duty as a member of the authority.

(2) The rates of allowance determined for a year under paragraph (1) for travel by means of a private motor vehicle shall not exceed the rates of the equivalent allowances payable for that year to members of the National Assembly for Wales provided that, where the rate of any such allowance on the day immediately before the day on which these Regulations come into force is already in excess of the rate of the equivalent allowance payable for that year to members of the National Assembly for Wales, the rate of that allowance may continue at that level but shall not be increased until the rate of the equivalent allowance payable to members of the National Assembly for Wales is greater than that paid by the authority.

(3) Any claim for payment of travel and subsistence allowances in accordance with these Regulations (excluding claims for travel by means of a private motor vehicle) shall be accompanied by appropriate receipts proving actual expenses, subject to any requirement or limitation that an authority may determine.

(4) A member shall not be entitled to any payment under this Regulation in respect of the performance as such a member of an approved duty within the community, or in the case of a community grouped under a community council, the area of that group.