
Completion of an induction period

14.—(1) This regulation applies where a person has completed an induction period if —

(a)at the completion of the induction period, that person is employed at a school or sixth form college in Wales, or

(b)at the completion of an induction period served in two or more institutions simultaneously, the lead head teacher’s institution is in Wales.

(2) Within the period of ten working days beginning with the date on which the induction period was completed the head teacher of the school or sixth form college at which the person is employed at the completion of the induction period —

(a)must make a written recommendation to the appropriate body as to whether the person has achieved the standards mentioned in regulation 13, and

(b)may, if the recommendation is that the standards have not been achieved, recommend that the induction period be extended and the length of such extension, and

(c)must at the same time send a copy of the recommendation to the person concerned and,

(i)in the case of a relevant school or sixth form college, to the governing body of the school or college at which the person is employed, or

(ii)in the case of an independent school, to the proprietor.

(3) Where a person has served induction in more than one educational institution, the head teacher in making a recommendation under paragraph (2) must take into account any documents or reports submitted under regulation 11(3).

(4) Before making a recommendation under paragraph (2), the head teacher must discuss it with the person concerned.

(5) The appropriate body must within the period of twenty working days beginning with the date on which it received the head teacher’s recommendation under paragraph (2) decide whether the person who has completed an induction period —

(a)has achieved the standards mentioned in regulation 13 and has accordingly satisfactorily completed his or her induction period; or

(b)should have his or her induction period extended by such period as it determines but

(i)in the case of a teacher in full-time service not exceeding the appropriate period specified in regulation 7(1); or

(ii)in the case of a teacher in part-time service not exceeding the period specified in regulation 7(2) or (3); or

(c)has failed satisfactorily to complete his or her induction period.

(6) Before making a decision under paragraph (5) the appropriate body must have regard to any written representations received from the person concerned within the period of ten working days beginning with the date on which that person received a copy of the head teacher’s recommendation under paragraph (2) (c).

(7) The appropriate body must within the period of three working days beginning with the date on which it made a decision under paragraph (5) —

(a)give written notice of its decision to —

(i)the person concerned,

(ii)in the case of a relevant school or sixth form college, the governing body of the school or college at which the person is employed,

(iii)in the case of an independent school, the proprietor,

(iv)the head teacher of the school or sixth form college at which he or she was employed at the completion of the induction period,

(v)if that person is not employed by the appropriate body, his or her employer (if not entitled to receive a notice under paragraph (ii) or (iii) above), and

(vi)the Council; and

(b)if the appropriate body made a decision falling within paragraph (5)(b) or (c), give the person concerned written notice of —

(i)his or her right to appeal to the Council against the decision,

(ii)the Council’s address, and

(iii)the time period for making an appeal.

(8) Notice under paragraph (7) may be given to a person by facsimile, electronic mail or other similar means which are capable of producing a document containing the text of the communication, and a notice sent by such a method is to be regarded as given when it is received in legible form.