Behaviour management, discipline and restraint

10.—(1) No measure of control, restraint or discipline which is excessive, unreasonable or contrary to paragraph (5) shall be used at any time on relevant children.

(2) The registered person shall, in accordance with this regulation, draw up and implement a written behaviour management policy setting out—

(a)the measures of control, restraint and discipline which may be used on the relevant premises; and

(b)the means whereby appropriate behaviour is to be promoted on those premises.

(3) Subject to paragraphs (6) and (7) of this regulation, only such measures of control, restraint and discipline as are provided for in the said behaviour management policy shall be used on relevant children.

(4) The registered person shall keep under review and where appropriate revise the behaviour management policy and notify the appropriate office of the National Assembly of any such revision within 28 days.

(5) Subject to paragraph (6), neither the following measures nor a threat to use one or more of them shall be used on relevant children—

(a)any form of corporal punishment;

(b)(subject to the provision of any court order relating to contact between the child and any person) any restriction on a child’s contact or communication with his or her parents;

(c)any punishment relating to the consumption or deprivation of food or drink;

(d)any requirement that a child wear distinctive or inappropriate clothes;

(e)the use or withholding of medication or medical or dental treatment as a disciplinary measure;

(f)the intentional deprivation of sleep;

(g)any intimate physical examination of a child;

(h)the withholding of any aids or equipment needed by a disabled child;

(i)any measure which involves—

(i)any child in the imposition of any measure against any other child; or

(ii)the punishment of a group of children for the behaviour of an individual child.

(6) Nothing in this regulation shall prohibit—

(a)the taking of any action by, or in accordance with the instructions of, a registered medical or dental practitioner which is necessary to protect the health of a child;

(b)the taking of any action immediately necessary to prevent injury to any person or serious damage to property.