The Net Zero Teesside Order 2024

Monitoring for damage to pipelines

319.—(1) When carrying out the relevant work the undertaker must monitor the relevant affected assets within the Order limits to establish whether damage has occurred.

(2) Where any damage occurs to an affected asset as a result of the relevant work, the undertaker must immediately cease all work in the vicinity of the damage and must notify HPU to enable repairs to be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of HPU.

(3) If damage has occurred to an affected asset as a result of relevant work the undertaker will, at the request and election of HPU—

(a)afford HPU all reasonable facilities to enable it to fully and properly repair and test the affected asset and pay to HPU its costs incurred in doing so including the costs of testing the effectiveness of the repairs and any further works or testing shown by that testing to be reasonably necessary; or

(b)fully and properly repair the affected asset as soon as reasonably practicable, in which case the repairs must be properly tested by the undertaker and be shown to the satisfaction of HPU to have effectively repaired the affected asset before any backfilling takes place.

(4) Where testing has taken place under sub-paragraph (3)(b), the undertaker must (except where HPU agrees otherwise in writing) provide it with a copy of the results of such testing prior to any backfilling.

(5) Following the completion of a relevant work if damage is found to have occurred to an affected asset as a result of the relevant work, sub-paragraphs (2) to (4) of this paragraph apply to that damage.

(6) In the event that the undertaker does not carry out necessary remedial work in a timely manner then HPU is entitled, but not obliged, to undertake the necessary remedial work and recover the cost of doing so from the undertaker.