PART 1General provisions



In these Regulations—

  • adaptation period” means a period of supervised practice, subject to an assessment and which may be accompanied by further training, of a regulated profession3 under the responsibility of a qualified member of that profession;

  • applicant” means a specified state professional who—

    1. a

      wishes to access and pursue a regulated profession for which the possession of professional qualifications is required;

    2. b

      possesses professional qualifications for the same profession in a specified state; and

    3. c

      makes an application;

  • application” means an application to a regulator4 of a regulated profession, by an applicant, for recognition of their professional qualifications;

  • aptitude test” means a test limited to the professional knowledge of a specified state professional, made by the regulator with the aim of assessing the ability of the professional to pursue a regulated profession;

  • EEA EFTA free trade agreement” means the free trade agreement between Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland done at London on 8thJuly 20215;

  • medical regulator” means one of the following—

    1. a

      the General Chiropractic Council;

    2. b

      the General Dental Council;

    3. c

      the General Medical Council;

    4. d

      the General Optical Council;

    5. e

      the General Osteopathic Council;

    6. f

      the General Pharmaceutical Council;

    7. g

      the Health and Care Professions Council;

    8. h

      the Nursing and Midwifery Council;

  • professional activity” means an activity which forms part of a regulated profession;

  • professional experience” means the lawful and effective practice of the relevant profession;

  • professional qualifications” includes qualifications6 or professional experience;

  • specified state” means a state specified in Schedule 1;

  • specified state professional” means a natural person who has obtained professional qualifications in a specified state;


For the purposes of these Regulations, “regulator” does not include the regulators for the regulated professions specified in Schedule 2.