The South Humber Bank Energy Centre Order 2021

Article 5


Commencement Information

I1Sch. 3 in force at 2.12.2021, see art. 1

SHBEC planning permission condition number and topicRequirement number and topic
4. Details of final positioning of buildings, elevations and floor levels5. Detailed design (position and scale)
5. Details of all external materials6. Detailed design (appearance)
6. Existing tree planting to be retained7. Retained trees
7. So far as relating to details and position of boundary treatments, circulation areas and other hard landscaping8. Means of enclosure and hard landscaping
7. So far as relating to details of permanent lighting9. Lighting scheme
7. So far as relating to a scheme for soft landscaping and planting10. Soft landscaping
8. So far as relating to biodiversity protection11. Biodiversity protection
9. So far as relating to surface water drainage13. Surface water drainage
9. So far as relating to foul water drainage14. Foul water drainage
10. So far as relating to construction traffic management and travel planning16. Construction traffic management and travel planning
11. Details of type of piling to be used17. Piling
12. Steps where unexpected contamination is found after development has commenced18. Temporary halting of development on finding unexpected contamination
13. Scheme for investigation of contamination and report on findings of the investigation19. Investigation and remediation of contamination
14. Remediation scheme under condition 13 to be carried out20. Implementation of remediation scheme
15. Previously unidentified contamination21. Procedure in cases of unexpected contamination
17. Flood warning and evacuation plan23. Flood warning and evacuation plan
18. Delivery and servicing plan24. Delivery and servicing plan
19. Operational travel plan25. Operational travel plan
20. Details and implementation of visibility splays at site entrance26. Visibility splays
21. So far as relating to plans for layout and construction of new entrance and highway drainage27. New highway access
21. So far as relating to plans for parking28. Parking
22. Road condition survey of South Marsh Road and subsequent report on traffic survey results29. Road condition survey
23. Information to be provided to local planning authority to notify UK DVOF & Powerlines at the Defence Geographic Centre30. Air safety
24. Use only of refuse derived fuels31. Fuel type
25. No fuel to be stored outside of main building32. Fuel storage
26. Decommissioning plan33. Decommissioning