The Tuberculosis in Animals (England) Order 2021

Control of infection from other animals

14.—(1) Where a veterinary inspector reasonably believes that an animal kept on any premises is or may be infected with tuberculosis, that veterinary inspector may serve a notice on the occupier of such premises.

(2) A notice served under paragraph (1) may—

(a)require the occupier to keep the animal under control in such manner as may be specified in the notice or to confine it to such part of the premises as may be specified; and

(b)prohibit the movement of animals onto or off such premises, except under the authority of a licence issued by an inspector.

(3) If any person on whom a notice is served under paragraph (1) fails to comply with the requirements of the notice, the Secretary of State may, without prejudice to any proceedings arising out of such default, carry out the requirements of the notice or cause them to be carried out, and the amount of any expenses reasonably incurred by the Secretary of State for the purpose of making good the default is recoverable by the Secretary of State from the person in default.