
PART 6CCAMLR observers

Designation of CCAMLR observers

16.—(1) The Secretary of State may designate observers who are authorised to carry out tasks specified by the Secretary of State associated with the implementation of, and in compliance with, the Scheme of International Scientific Observation adopted by the Commission under Article XXIV of the Convention(1).

(2) The Secretary of State may withdraw a designation under paragraph (1) by giving notice to the designated person.

Notification of observer deployment

17.  Prior to the deployment of an observer designated under regulation 16, the Secretary of State must notify the Executive Secretary to the Commission of the information required under the Scheme of International Scientific Observation.

Observer reports

18.  Observers designated under regulation 16 must report to the Secretary of State, in a manner and form that the Secretary of State may determine, on each observation visit, who must, not later than one month after the completion of the observer trip or after the return of the observer to their home country, forward that report and any accompanying documentation to the Commission.

Obligation of British vessels

19.  Any British vessel in the Convention Area must, in accordance with directions given by the Secretary of State, facilitate, and cooperate fully with, the work of any CCAMLR observer, including allowing such access to the vessel and parts thereof as may be necessary for a CCAMLR observer to fulfil their duties and ensuring safe working conditions.


The Scheme of International Scientific Observations was adopted by the Commission at CCAMLR-XI in 2002. The report of the meeting is available at www.ccamlr.org/en/ccamlr-xi (see para 6.11 of the report for the adoption of the Scheme of International Scientific Observation).