The Wireless Telegraphy (Licence Charges) Regulations 2020

2.  The formula is—


  • “S” means the sum;

  • “RR” means a reference rate of £3,300, being the fee payable for an authorisation under a licence for use of a 8.33 kHz channel over a surface area of 71,000 square nautical miles;

  • “SA” means 71,000, being the number corresponding to the surface area (in square nautical miles) of the United Kingdom;

  • “π” means 3.142;

  • “h” means the number corresponding to the height (in feet) of the designated operational coverage specified in the licence granted to the licensee; and

  • “r” means the number corresponding to the radius (in nautical miles) of a circle of equivalent area to the designated operational coverage specified in the licence.