The Nuclear Safeguards (EU Exit) Regulations 2019

Regulation 4


Communications should cover the next calendar year.
In particular, communications should include the following information:
1.types of operations, e.g. anticipated throughput of proposed campaigns with indication of type and quantity of fuel elements to be fabricated or reprocessed, enrichment programmes, reactor operating programmes, with planned shutdowns;
2.expected schedule of arrival of qualifying nuclear materials, stating the amount of material per batch, the form (UF6, UO2, fresh or irradiated fuels, etc.), anticipated type of container or packaging;
3.anticipated schedule of waste processing campaigns (other than repackaging, or further conditioning without separation of elements), stating the amount of material per batch, the form (glass, high active liquid, etc.), anticipated duration and location;
4.dates by which the quantity of qualifying nuclear material in products is expected to be determined, and dates of dispatch;
5.dates and duration of physical inventory taking.
This communication, duly completed and signed, must be sent to the ONR in accordance with regulation 35.