PART 3Qualification stage

CHAPTER 2Additional deposit and eligibility limit for the first principal stage round

Determination of a bidder’s eligibility limit for the first principal stage round18


A bidder’s eligibility limit shall be—


where the amount which the bidder has on deposit (including the initial deposit and the additional deposit) is thirty million pounds or less, the number which is the amount of such deposit in pounds divided by one million;


where the amount which the bidder has on deposit (including the initial deposit and the additional deposit) is more than thirty million pounds but less than seventy million pounds, the number (E) which is calculated in accordance with the formula set out in paragraph (2); and


where the amount which the bidder has on deposit (including the initial deposit and the additional deposit) is seventy million pounds or more, forty-six.


The formula is E= 30 + [(D-30,000,000)/2,500,000], where “D” is the amount of the deposit in pounds.


Where the number which results from the calculation in paragraphs (1)(a) or 1(b) is not a whole number, the bidder’s eligibility limit shall be that number rounded down to the nearest whole number.


That number shall be expressed as a number of points.