

2.—(1) Sections 8 (benefit cap) and 9(1) to (5) (review of benefit cap) of the Act come into force on the 7th November 2016 so far as they are not already in force on that date.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the amendments made by section 8 (benefit cap) of the Act do not apply to an existing award of universal credit if the first day of an assessment period for that award is not the 7th November 2016, until the first day of the next assessment period for the award following the 7th November 2016.

(3) For the purpose of this regulation—

“the 2012 Act” means the Welfare Reform Act 2012(1);

“the Act” means the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016;

“assessment period” has the meaning given by section 7(2) of the 2012 Act; and

“existing award of universal credit” means an award of universal credit that exists on the 7th November 2016.