The North Wales Wind Farms Connection Order 2016

Decommissioning Environmental Management Plan

18.—(1) No stage of the authorised development is to be decommissioned until, following consultation with NRW, the highways authority and the relevant planning authority, a decommissioning environmental management plan for that stage has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority, after consultating with NRW. The decommissioning environmental management plan must include measures to minimise impacts of decommissining works and must include but not be limited to the following plans—

(a)an ecological management plan including but not limited to method statements for sensitive habitats and species;

(b)hedgerow management plan including but not limited to principles to be followed for hedgerow reinstatement;

(c)a traffic management plan including but not limited to the following—

(i)details of haulage routes for HGVs to use to deliver materials to or remove materials from the authorised development;

(ii)communication of the routes to drivers of HGVs;

(iii)details of timing for deliveries or removals;

(iv)proposals for assessing the existing condition of affected highways; and

(v)details for making good any incidental damage to highways by construction traffic associated with decommissioning the authorised development.

(2) The decommissioning of the authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the decommissioning environmental management plan as approved under this Requirement.